(Presenting Project)
Core Competency
For my core competency I chose Personal Responsibility Skill, I think I excelled in this are the most considering I had to put in extra efforts because some of my group members were unable to provide their part in the project. For Implementing, monitoring, and adjusting a plan and assess the results I had refining skills in that I had to adjust the plan many times which affected my part and the end results of the project. Before we started I had made sure the part I was providing to the group was sufficient enough that I wasn’t just doing as little as I can but evenly spreading out the group responsibility. I did have to take a little more responsibility and participate in parts of the project that were not designated to me in order to complete the project I was still able to get both mine and the other parts done efficiently and effectively.
Group Evaluation
I wasn’t overly satisfied with how our group members participated because I know some of them did not participate to the fullest. With that aside I feel that the Speaking component of the project could have been rehearsed way better than it had been so their was less repetition in the speaking, Also with the speaking I wish I had encouraged my group members to speak during the presentation so they could improve their presentation and speaking skills instead of having me doing all the talking.
Project Debrief
I liked the freedom in this project a lot, most projects assigned you have to follow strict criteria but in this one it was all pretty open ended as far as creativeness goes which I liked a lot, and thought helped me learn better because it allowed me to learn about a topic/area of technology that I was interested and still inquire skills and knowledge I need for the electricity unit.
You did a great job sharing what you learned regarding your Core Competency. Your readers might be interested to hear more about your Wings idea in this post, however. Your reflection is very good. I really like how you have objectively looked at how your group worked together. Excellent post.