A Mountain Journey Questions

A Mountain Journey Questions

  1. The reason that Dave Conroy was out in the wilderness is because he is a trapper. He traps animals and skins them to sell, this is how he makes a living.


  1. The part where the reader probably knows he isn’t going to make it is when we learn his feet and fingers are frozen. We k now he probably won’t make it because frozen fingers and feet are a hard thing to deal with when you need to get up a mountain to a cabin.



  1. One mistake he made is that he should have set up camp when he was up on the mountains, before he skied down because he was already tired and cold. The second mistake he made is not making a fire when he fell into the freezing water as that later made him freeze over. The final mistake he made was skiing down the hill or mountain as he ended up falling into freezing water.


  1. The exposition was at the beginning when it explained where he was, who he was, what he was doing, and where he was going. The initiating incident is when he fell into cold water while skiing. The climax was when he tried to climb up the mountain to the cabin while he was frozen.



  1. The setting is in winter close to night and somewhere in the 1880-1900. This affects the story because he is struggling since it is winter. It also affects him because there were a lot of trappers back then and that’s the reason why he was even there in the first place. The theme of the story was most likely t about how you shouldn’t let pride influence your decisions.


  1. The concrete setting is winter. This is symbolic because winter represents harshness, cold, cruelty, and bitterness. However, is people come together and if you can make the right decisions you can power through it and come out fine.



  1. “foot in the new snow, white and soft as flour” this is a simile. “set the forest moaning beside him” this is a metaphor. “the cold was nibbling at him” this is personification. “their tight cheeks pulled back into a cadaverous grin” this is a metaphor.



Eternal: Lasting or existing forever

Immobility: Motionless. The state of not moving

Opaque: Not transparent not able to see through it

Reverberation: the prolongation of sound

Momentum: The quantity of motion of a moving body

Cadaverous: Resembling a corpse by being very thin and pale

Congregate: gather into a crowd or mass

Inundation: an overwhelming abundance of people or things

Beggared: reduce someone to poverty

Filched: pilfer or steal