Ordering Rational Numbers

We originally used all three strategies. We made a number line to put the numbers on to easily sort them from least to greatest. Then we turned some into fractions while we turned others into decimals because it seemed easier to us that way. after that we ordered the new fractions and decimals on the number line. That is how me and my partner sorted the numbers.

Digital Footprint


How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? give at least two examples.

One way my future might get affected is when i’m applying for a job. When i am applying for a job the people interviewing me will search me up and see what i have posted. if it is harmful in any way or disrespectful of someone i won’t get the job. Another example is if i apply to grad school or university. Again while they are looking through my information they will search me up meaning if they see anything harmful that i have posted online in any way will influence their decision in a bad way for me.

Man in Brown Long-sleeved Button-up Shirt Standing While Using Gray Laptop Computer on Brown Wooden Table Beside Woman in Gray Long-sleeved Shirt Sitting


Describe at least three strategies you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

The first strategy i can think of is before you post to T.H.I.N.K. Is it true?,  is it helpful?, is it inspiring?, is it necessary?, is it kind? the second strategy is to have someone else to look at what your about to post and have them verify if it is okay to post or if it is harmful. The last strategy is to check the post and read it multiple times to check it basically just taking a step back to look at it and see if it is harmful.

              Group Hand Fist Bump


What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

The information i learned throughout this activity is how to keep my digital footprint safe and appropriate. along with that i learned how to check what i post and i learned the effect a digital footprint can have on people whether they be affected by what i post or whether i get affected by something bad i post. The way i would tell people about this information is verbally by talking to them and also by making posts and blogs just like this one.


Silver Macbook Pro

Overall that is how i would respond to subjects like this and by doing this activity i have learned much about my digital footprint how it affects me and how i can take care of it for the better.

Close-up Photography of Smartphone Icons

Pictures used:

Pictures of the laptop, group fist bump, and people talking by rawpixel.com:


Picture of phone with apps on it:
