Is Socializing An Addiction – English 12 Blog Log 4

Why Go Out – Written by Sheila Heti

Why Go Out, written by Sheila Heti, was an article that I stumbled across and was immediately captivated by because of how I disagree with her analysis of if socializing is worth it. However, I thought it would be very interesting to do my final Blog Log on an article I disagree with, because I believe it is an important skill to see other’s perspectives on certain matters and it allows me to be a more understanding person. In her article, Heti discussed whether or not it was worth socializing: many do it despite not wanting to. She compares this to how addicts must ask themselves what benefit they get out of the substance they are addicted to and how many socialize not based on if it is actually good for them; provides them benefit. I thought this opinion was very captivating because I have not thought of socializing in this manner. Although it can be uncomfortable for many to socialize, especially me, I believe that a lot about life is social interaction: through it comes many benefits. There were a few things about the article that I really enjoyed and really added something to it. Firstly, her use of figurative language enhanced her writing in a way were it was a fun read despite me disagreeing with her view. Second, this article was a convincing article, and she did so by listing her ideas in point form, and dividing her piece of writing into sections. This made her article very stand out because it was very ordered and divided well. Overall this was a very informative read for me, and this allowed me to see things in someone else’s perspective.

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