Neuron and Synapse Function

Neuron Structure:

The dendrites receive information from other neurons and sensory receptors.

The Nucleus provides energy for the neuron

The axon carries the neurons messages to other parts of the body.

The myelin sheath speeds up the neurons impulses and covers up the axon.

The soma or cell body is where the signals from the dendrites are joined and passed on.



Neuron Function: A nerve signal is an electrochemical signal called the action potential, The signal travels down the axon and is caused by the movement of positive ions traveling in and out of the axon.  Depolarization is when an incoming message stimulates a section of the axon which allows Na+ ions to enter the axon, This causes a chain reaction down the axon that moves continuously.


Synapse Structure:

The Axon stores, recycles and produces the neuro transmitter

The neuro transmitters are the chemical messages sent through the axon.

The dendrites receive the chemical messages and translate them.

The NT receptors receive the chemicals from the presynaptic membrane

The synaptic vesicles store the neurochemicals.



Synaptic Function:

The neurochemical signal is sent from the axon when the synaptic vesicle releases the neuro transmitter that then travels through the synaptic gap to reach the dendrite of the receiving neuron, The receiving neuron determines whether to send its own action potential based on the frequency of the received message.

Core competency

How has the Transformation Unit improved your critical and creative thinking and impacted your communication skills? 

The transformation unit improved my critical thinking because the unit requires one to analyze the question in order to do the process of solving it. The assessment of each graph requires one to find out which transformations occurred. The Transformations unit also improved my creative thinking because one must find a way to realize what certain reflections would look like, especially in y=x reflections which some people may not be able to notice. It also improved my communication skills having to verbalize the transformations aswell as being able to understand what they are telling me to do.

“The Stranger” History

Poems such as “The Stranger” help reveal dark periods in canadian history by showcasing what the aboriginal children went through and spreading awareness. In the poem “The Stranger” it shows how the children in the residential schools suffer, are are willing to run away even if the distance back to home is extremely far. The poem also spreads awareness about the issues of the residential schools.  The poem also shows how the children were mistreated,”They’re not gonna stop. Please just let me catch my breath”. In conclusion, the poem “The Stranger” showcases the dark periods in canadian history by spreading awareness and showcasing the mistreatment that went on in the residential schools.


Image result for residential schools

Literature Photo Project

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The intro to the story starts off when Eckels sees the ad for time travel, the poster kickstarts the story and leads to Eckels deciding to travel back in time. Also sets up the plot for as it suggests hunting a prehistoric animal.

Rising Action 1

“Safety catches off, everyone!” ordered Travis. “You, first shot, Eckels. Second, Billings, Third,Kramer.” Pg.5 

The rising action to the story starts off when the group of Eckels, billings, and Kramer prepare for the T-Rex.  They prepare by readying their weapons and following Travis’s orders.


Rising Action 2

“The Monster, at the first motion, ran forward with a terrible scream. It covered one hundred yards in six seconds.” Pg.6 

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The rising action continues when they spot the T-Rex, the T-Rex is running towards the time travellers leading directly into the main event of the dinosaur being shot.



“The rifles lifted and fired. The Monster roared, teeth shining in the sun, and the smell of old blood that came from its mouth was all around them.” Pg.6

Billings, Kramer and the crem members kill the T-Rex. This was the climax because the story had been leading up to this point through rising action. The events prior lead up to the killing of the T-Rex as the main event in the story.

Falling Action

“Go out on that Path alone,” said Travis. He had his rifle pointed, “You’re not coming back in the Machine. We’re leaving you here!”Pg.7

This took place right after the killing of the T-Rex. After Eckels steps off the path, Travis is enraged and threatens to leave Eckels behind. This is the falling action because it takes place right after the climax


This is  the conclusion as the mistakes of Eckles lead to the butterfly affect changing the future. The story finishes off with the changes in presidency as well as the change in spelling of words.

 Physical Setting

“The Machine sat in the ancient jungle. Distant bird cries blew on a wind. There was the smell of wet

grass and an old salt sea. There were huge flowers on the trees the color of blood.” Pg.2


The story takes place in a jungle, similar to this one as there are large trees and mountains.


Emotional Setting 

“Stop that!” said Travis. “Don’t even point your gun at something for fun, you fool! If your guns should go off…” Pg.4 

The emotional setting is very tense in the short story, as one minor mistake can send a butterfly effect that may alter the future. Showcased by the aggressive language used by Travis in the story.

Conflict Type

“The jungle was alive again, full of the old movements and bird cries. Eckels turned slowly to look at the hill of nightmares and fear.” Pg.8

The conflict type in the story was person vs environment and person vs person. As there were battles between Travis and Eckels when Eckels was pushing his luck. It is also person vs environment as the environment around them could possibly kill them , if not it could alter the future events.

Ending type

“He did not move. Eyes shut, he waited, shivering. He heard Travis breathe loudly. He heard Travis lift his rifle, click the safety catch, and raise the weapon. There was a sound of thunder.” Pg.10

The ending type is unresolved as the reader would not be certain if it Travis shot Eckels. The story leaves more to be explored and does not tie all loose ends.

Irony Example

“I didn’t think it would be this big,” said Eckels. “I made a mistake, that’s all. And now I want out.” Pg. 6 

This example of irony is situational, as one would expect that Eckels would know how large a T-Rex is especially considering how he has travelled back in time before.



“Correct. Destroying certain plants could have an effect too small to be seen now. But it could add up bit by bit over sixty million years into a major change. Of course, all this may be wrong.” Pg.3

The suspense in the story is mostly high stakes, as one wrong move could send a butterfly effect and affect the future. As seen in the short story, the spelling of words ended up changing.


“Eckels seemed unable to move. He looked at his feet as if trying to make them walk. He gave a cry of helplessness” Pg.6

The short story uses indirect characterization, as it gives the reader clues as to what characters are feeling. One may see Eckels as fearful and nervous in some scenes.