As a British official, I realize there are many alternatives to governing Quebec. I have chosen the policy of Assimilation to ensure the colony is properly run.
I have declared Assimilation as our governing policy as it will vastly improve our population of the British forces, leading to overcoming any challenge to help us maintain North America for as long as the sun rises. With this choice of policy, we no longer must worry about the French people as we shall take them into our own hands, instead of deporting which may cause regrouping and trouble to our people, we shall enforce British law upon them converting them to our rightful ways of life. At this very point and time, we must attract others to Quebec to help defend from an attack aimed at taking back what we had stolen, with this policy we are gaining protection, soldiers, and anyone who could help us keep our grounds. Instead of disregarding people that may have use to us, we shall use them and hold on to Quebec. As we convert those who wish to live, our population shall increase ending in the way of which we desire, taking in the French will teach us more of their type, being a key strategy if battle time was to ever come around. Unlike the other policy’s, ours seems to be the clear choice in the strategic mind as we shall not get rid of the French, but use them for our own personal benefit leading to our success in North America, and Quebec.
As I have outlined above, I believe the best policy for governing Quebec is Assimilation. This will ensure that the colony will remain under British control and provide wealth for our glorious country.
-Owen Stuart