1.  (A) Austria (B) Serbia (C) Rusia (4) Germany (5) France (6) Britain
  2. The theme is alliance. Serbia was accused by Austria of assossating the Austrian crown prince. The Austria empire declared war on Serbia when they refused to admit their crime. Rusia then sent its troup’s to defend Serbia. Germany’s troup’s were sent to defended Austria. Britain and France we’re also on Russia and Serbias side.
  3. The theme is nationalism. Russia attempted to unite the Balkans nations with each other but didn’t happen since Austria saw it as a threat to there power. The austro-Hungarian empire sent its Crown Prince to meet with the black hands to create peace. One of the black hand members then killed the prince which lead Austria to acuse Serbia of his death.
  4. The theme is imperialism. Germany feels that Britain is stoping them from becoming the most powerful country. This brings complications allieing with each other. Germany and France’s alliance also struggles since they are both planning on taking over parts of Africa.
  5. The theme is materialism. Germany wanted too attack France this caused France to declare war against Germany. Britain supported France in there fight against Germany.
  6. Serbia accused of assonating the prince. This made many people angry and was a trigger for events to come. Germany offers support to Austria and Serbia then refuses to cooperate with Germany. Austria declares war on Serbia. Russia chooses to defends Serbia while Germany defends Austria. Germany and France start war and Britain supports France.
  7. (A) I think this cartoon was coming from the victors since the drawings would have a differnt feel to them if it was coming from people in defeat.

(B)I think this is because Serbia was babied in that people were always taking care of them or helping them so they didn’t have to do it alone

(C) the tittle is sarcastic because they were the exact opposite of friends since they all faught each other.

Water conservation

Conserving water in Canada is necessary since water is renewable. If we do not take care of our water we could end up like other countries that are not as fortunate as us. We can use our water to help other countries in need and still have plenty of water for ourselves but if we take our water for granted this could change rapidly. Our water is used in many different ways and vital for many different living things on this earth including us. We also need to stop polluting our waters because we our putting our very valuable renewable resource at risk. Doing little things like turning the tap off or taking different showers can help keep our water clean and not waste it.

I always turn the tap off while I brush my teeth  IMG_4189-1w49g20

I am going to start timing my showers so I know they are under 15 minutes  IMG_4191-1hglltpIMG_4191-1hglltp


Solutions for poverty

Who is the borrower and where are they from?

The borrower is Topa J Islamic P School and this school is from Uguanda.
What is unique about the situation that deserves our help?

This school does not have clean water for the students to drink. The school is filled with 150 students that drink water that is being boiled over a wood fire. The school does not have the money to continue buying the fire wood for the students. Many students fall sick with water borne diseases. water is shown to improve consideration and help the brain to learn.
What is the money going towards and why is that sustainable?

The money would go toward a UV water filteration system. This would ensure students enough drinking water to last the day and not fall sick. They think the clean water will also improve attendance. The school will also save money on fire wood.
How risky is the loan?

They plan to pay back through the money they save on firewood and student fees that get paid every year. Since this a poor school I think it is risky but they are in high need of clean water.

Defining Poverty

1. The problem with measuring poverty through the standard of living is measured by the way a person  lives compared to the community around them. The problem with standard of living is that people have different perspectives of what poverty is. Some might see someone as middle class but others might think of that as poverty. Relative poverty is when people don’t have a certain amount of money  to meet there necessities in life. This may appear a better way to measure but the problem is that people make assumptions on what people need and don’t need. Absolute poverty is where people are not meeting basic human needs like food, water, shelter. HDI uses stats to measure life expectancy based on standard of living, health, and education.

2. I think the best way to measure poverty is by using absolute poverty. This is because it is easier to find who really needs the help. The other options are influenced by there surroundings.


Pessimist/Malthusian – claimed that population would soon outstrip food supply, leading to famine, disease, and social disorder. Malthus’s predictions were not realized, since he did not foresee the improvements in agriculture, hygiene, and medicine. Also, millions of people migrated to British colonies to cultivate farmlands there, which eased population pressure.

Neo Malthusian – predict that disaster will overtake populations in the world’s poorest developing countries in the next 50 years due to increasing global warming, shortages of arable land, conflicts over fresh water, declining fish stocks, and the spread of AIDS or other diseases. Africa will be most vulnerable to these threats.

Optimist/Cornucopian – Those with an optimistic outlook on population growth are called cornucopians. They have faith in mankind’s ability to find innovations, such as solar and wind energy, that will increase Earth’s carrying capacity.

Kenya is in stage two of the demographic transition model. This means there population is rapidly increasing, and they are using violence to food and land. They currently have no way to stop the rapid growth of population. “Centres are overstretched we need more then double the number of clinics across the country but there is no resources”

box to box has a optimist view on global population growth .They believe that through technology in developing countries we can slow down and control the population growth. They need to encourage education and escape from poverty in order to work towards the goal. We can stop populati0n growth by “Continue to improve child survival to 90 percent” and make smart investments.

Population Pyramid

dependency ratio: 50.08135366

the dependency ratio is low. There seems to be a fairly equal divide between males except with more females in the older division. the birth rates are getting smaller but they are higher then the death rates which means the population is growing. this is a contracting pyramid. the majority of Australia population is ages 20- 49. Australia is currently in stage 4 of the DTM. Australia needs to prepare there health care system for a large group of seniors to come in with a low amount of doctors to take care of them. They also may need more nursing homes and other facilities for elders. They might have shortage of employers due to the amount of people reaching retirement. they have some years to figure out a plan before this happens.


1. Canadian and British Columbia’s population has grown rapidly over time and numbers show it will continue to grow.
2. The Birth rates where high in 2012 and 2013 but have started to decrease since. The death rates have gone up since 2012.
4. The natural increase for Canada is going up and down since 2012. The natural increase for British Columbia has gone down since 2012.
5. The Birth Rate would be most important because if the birth rate is going up it would mean there would be more business for the company.
6. It could be useful for schools, if there is a lot of new babies being born they are going to need more room in schools.
7. I would build more schools to fit all the kids in. Because the population is growing our schools are going to become very crowded and to ensure valuable learning the class needs to be small enough so therefore more classrooms and schools need to be made