1.  (A) Austria (B) Serbia (C) Rusia (4) Germany (5) France (6) Britain
  2. The theme is alliance. Serbia was accused by Austria of assossating the Austrian crown prince. The Austria empire declared war on Serbia when they refused to admit their crime. Rusia then sent its troup’s to defend Serbia. Germany’s troup’s were sent to defended Austria. Britain and France we’re also on Russia and Serbias side.
  3. The theme is nationalism. Russia attempted to unite the Balkans nations with each other but didn’t happen since Austria saw it as a threat to there power. The austro-Hungarian empire sent its Crown Prince to meet with the black hands to create peace. One of the black hand members then killed the prince which lead Austria to acuse Serbia of his death.
  4. The theme is imperialism. Germany feels that Britain is stoping them from becoming the most powerful country. This brings complications allieing with each other. Germany and France’s alliance also struggles since they are both planning on taking over parts of Africa.
  5. The theme is materialism. Germany wanted too attack France this caused France to declare war against Germany. Britain supported France in there fight against Germany.
  6. Serbia accused of assonating the prince. This made many people angry and was a trigger for events to come. Germany offers support to Austria and Serbia then refuses to cooperate with Germany. Austria declares war on Serbia. Russia chooses to defends Serbia while Germany defends Austria. Germany and France start war and Britain supports France.
  7. (A) I think this cartoon was coming from the victors since the drawings would have a differnt feel to them if it was coming from people in defeat.

(B)I think this is because Serbia was babied in that people were always taking care of them or helping them so they didn’t have to do it alone

(C) the tittle is sarcastic because they were the exact opposite of friends since they all faught each other.

Solutions for poverty

Who is the borrower and where are they from?

The borrower is Topa J Islamic P School and this school is from Uguanda.
What is unique about the situation that deserves our help?

This school does not have clean water for the students to drink. The school is filled with 150 students that drink water that is being boiled over a wood fire. The school does not have the money to continue buying the fire wood for the students. Many students fall sick with water borne diseases. water is shown to improve consideration and help the brain to learn.
What is the money going towards and why is that sustainable?

The money would go toward a UV water filteration system. This would ensure students enough drinking water to last the day and not fall sick. They think the clean water will also improve attendance. The school will also save money on fire wood.
How risky is the loan?

They plan to pay back through the money they save on firewood and student fees that get paid every year. Since this a poor school I think it is risky but they are in high need of clean water.

Ranking Government Jobs

1. What I would like to do from best to worst

(A). Governor general – I would want to be the Governor General because it is a fairly easy job, you would mostly be signing papers and giving final consent on decisions. You also still get paid a lot for this job. The down side is you have a lot of responsibility to make the right decisions for example with military. He also has to make the queen proud since he represents her.

(B). Prime Minister- I would want to be the Prime Minister because you have a lot of power to make a lot of change. You also are the highest paying job in government. The down side is that It can be hard trying to please everyone and try and make Canada a better place to live.

(C). Minister – I would want to be the Prime Minister because you get to focus on one issue that you are passionate about. You get to look at important issues of Canada and make sure the things are not being ignored. I wouldn’t like this because it might be to focused of one issue sometimes and you might want to branch out to other policies.

(D). MP’s- I would want to be a MP because your job is has some what of two parts too it. You work within parliament itself  but also work within your political party. This would mean you would have to do a lot of traveling and through Canada and I think that would be a lot to keep up with.

(E). Senater  – You get to look at different laws and talk to the people of Canada and see if that law fits and is wanted. I think the idea of considering Canadians thoughts and needs and representing those thoughts and needs through a vote t0 eaither pass a bill/law or to block a bill/law. I think this job could get hard because you can’t please everyone and peoples opinions might get in the way of what is right for our country.