Water conservation

Conserving water in Canada is necessary since water is renewable. If we do not take care of our water we could end up like other countries that are not as fortunate as us. We can use our water to help other countries in need and still have plenty of water for ourselves but if we take our water for granted this could change rapidly. Our water is used in many different ways and vital for many different living things on this earth including us. We also need to stop polluting our waters because we our putting our very valuable renewable resource at risk. Doing little things like turning the tap off or taking different showers can help keep our water clean and not waste it.

I always turn the tap off while I brush my teeth  IMG_4189-1w49g20

I am going to start timing my showers so I know they are under 15 minutes  IMG_4191-1hglltpIMG_4191-1hglltp


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