
Pessimist/Malthusian – claimed that population would soon outstrip food supply, leading to famine, disease, and social disorder. Malthus’s predictions were not realized, since he did not foresee the improvements in agriculture, hygiene, and medicine. Also, millions of people migrated to British colonies to cultivate farmlands there, which eased population pressure.

Neo Malthusian – predict that disaster will overtake populations in the world’s poorest developing countries in the next 50 years due to increasing global warming, shortages of arable land, conflicts over fresh water, declining fish stocks, and the spread of AIDS or other diseases. Africa will be most vulnerable to these threats.

Optimist/Cornucopian – Those with an optimistic outlook on population growth are called cornucopians. They have faith in mankind’s ability to find innovations, such as solar and wind energy, that will increase Earth’s carrying capacity.

Kenya is in stage two of the demographic transition model. This means there population is rapidly increasing, and they are using violence to food and land. They currently have no way to stop the rapid growth of population. “Centres are overstretched we need more then double the number of clinics across the country but there is no resources”

box to box has a optimist view on global population growth .They believe that through technology in developing countries we can slow down and control the population growth. They need to encourage education and escape from poverty in order to work towards the goal. We can stop populati0n growth by “Continue to improve child survival to 90 percent” and make smart investments.