Forgiveness in Families

The fear of comparison also known as jealousy. In the short story, Forgiveness in Families by Alice Munro there is a girl named Val who has been jealous of her brother Cam ever since he was born. When there mom gets sick, Cam appears to help her recover. Val decides that she should forgive Cam and apologize for being so hard on him. Jealousy is a feeling felt by everyone, when your insecurities take over and your mind fills with envy. The main reason people get jealous is attention. Everyone knows the baby of the family gets all the attention.The first day of school was a big deal for Val but her mom was not able to attend since she was giving birth to Cam. This is where there sibling rivalry begin. When Cam and Val’s mom recovered from being sick, she went around telling every one that Cam saved her life. This was loads of attention on Cam and absolutely no attention on Val even though Val was most concerned over her mothers sickness. I am the oldest out of all my cousins and from experience I can tell you its not easy being older. You have to learn to be the bigger person and let go of your jealousy and this is what Val did when she apologized to Cam. The love of comparison also known as attention

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