Sammy Sperm

The other day Sammy the sperm had a terrible accedent and ended up in the testis hospital. Luckly Sammy is feeling a lot better and is heading back home on epidymis ave. Once Sammy got home he realised he was feeling kind of hungry so he got in his car and drove down van deferens highway. Just after he passed behind the beautiful Lake Bladder he spotted the Seminal Vesticle Diner he grabbed a bight to eat and decided to continue his drive. He stoped by the P.G. Acid Proofing and the C.G. Lube. He then saw a add for Vaginaland and couldent pass it up so he drove down Urethra Expressway until he got to vaginaland. He realised he was running low on gas so he stoped by the cervix gas station. Then he saw Uterusville and decided to go. It wasent as fun as vagina land so he decided to meet up with a old friend named Ms.ovum but first he had to travel down Oviduct Road. Finally he arrived at Ms.Ovum from Ovary Islands house. He then eloped with her and lived happily ever after.

Mutant bee







A original bee has no mutations, it’s a normal looking bee. It has wings and a normal sized stinger.

bee mutation A has 4 antenas

bee mutation B has a very small stinger

bee mutation C has no wings

The Original bee has a normal sized stinger, two intenas, and wings so I think it would be neutral.

Bee mutation A has four intenas. I think that this is a positive mutation because the intenas would be twice as strong and do twice the job they usually do.

Bee mutation B has a negative mutation I think because with a smaller stinger it would be more difficult to defend it self.

For Bee mutation C it would deffinitly be a negative mutation because without wings the bee would not be able to fly anywhere.

This was a good d learning activity because I learned how mutations can positively impact something and negatively. I also realized that there could be endless different mutations. Overall this was a good activity.

DNA bracelets





Each individual piece of cereal on my bracelet represents a DNA sequence. Each color represents a different base.





A group of three cereal pieces represents a condon. Condons then create amino acids. The entire message represents the DNA to make proteins for our body. My name represents the final protein project so that you can determine the DNA code. DNA is in the nucleus and cannot leave. Proteins are built in the cytoplasm so they can do their job for the cell. DNA’s message gets used to build protein by using 4 bases to code all the information in DNA represented by A,T,C,G. RNA then leaves the nucleus where it is read to make proteins.