DNA Model

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Just like the model I made, DNA has a spiral ladder kind of look to it the shape is called a double helix. The backbone of DNA is made of alternating sugar and phosphate, in my diagram the yellow licorice represents the backbone. The rungs are made of four kinds of nitrogen containing bases. There is Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Guanine (G), cytosine (C). In my model A= Yellow C=Pink G=green A=orange. Bases of DNA always pair up in a sertain way. A always pairs with T, C always pairs with G. This way the message on both sides of the DNA molecule are mirror messages. This activity did help me understand DNA molecules. I know understand how the colour of the basses work.









International Space Station

The first component of the International Space Station was launnched in 1998. The station is suited for the testing of space craft systems and equipment. The entire Space Station costed about 150 biollion in US dollar. There is six people currently on the space station. The one year mission is currently going on it will focus on finding information on the medical, phychological and biomedical challenges faced by astronauts durring a long space flight. I find it intresting how you get taller while you are in space because there is no gravity putting pressure on your spine so your spine stretches. I dont think I would like living in space because the constant floating around would get boring and i would like to be grounded again.





Parallex is when  there is apparent displacement  of an object because of a change in the point of view

scientists use this method to measure the distance between stars. As the earth orbits around the sun the closest stars appear to move backgrounds amognst other stars. Scientists measure the star once and then six months later. After they take the data and measure the difference





Milky Way

This a spiral galaxy. I know because it looks like a pinwheel and there is a bulge in the centre with several arms spiraling around it.




This is a Elliptical Galaxy. I know because it is in the shape ofa football.





This is a irregular galaxy. I know because it does not have a defined shape.