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HCE 9- English Write

Birds on a wire – explanatory paragraph

I understand the issues within this image. It is not inclusive, there is no form of collaboration, nor respect. The bird that is being targeted, is different from the pigeons which could be a symbol that it is a POC or it could be in the LGBT. But the signs that the birds are holding tell us about them being a POC immigrant. The image has multiple pigeons holding racist and exclusive signs. There is also a smaller bird with a green color, potentially a parakeet. The image also has colors, but the colors don’t add anything, but they help us to better understand. In addition to making the picture stand out compared to some of the others. But the little bit of green they used for the parakeet could symbolize new beginnings, health, renewal, and hope

It is not inclusive at all because they are leaving him out and not allowing themselves to get to know him before being so quick to judge. They aren’t giving him a chance and just because he is a different type of bird, they are treating him unfairly. Even though they are all still birds. Like the sign that says “migrants not welcome” they are not welcoming him into their circle because they are racist and don’t view all the birds as equal. But the little bird being targeted, is prettier than the pigeons in my opinion. That does not make him better, it means that he may have some better qualities and a good personality, but no one would be able to know that as they are not giving him a chance.

I also noticed that there are different back grounds behind the different birds. For example, the parakeet has the same popcorn wall behind it, but the pigeons have a clear wall without bumps. I think this is very small but could be a symbol that the pigeons have kind of a halo around them. This makes people look up to them and make it seem that they are always right in society. But the difference in background could also have to do with the angle of the camera. We see a straight on angle of their side profiles, but everything could be different based on the angle.

The first thing my eyes are drawn to in the image are the pigeons. I notice them first as there are multiple. When I’m observing them, I notice they are holding signs. So, I read the signs and saw the awful messages. But I then asked myself where these messages are being directed, I realized it was towards the parakeet. When I’m looking at the parakeet, I can see how intimidated he is to look back at the bullies, and it looks like he is trying to leave the situation. The pigeons on the other hand, have their chests up and are holding strong eye contact with the smaller bird. The parakeet’s posture is also hunched, and overall looks really nervous like he wants to be left alone.

This makes me feel really bad for the parakeet and that there are issues like this happening society today. This isn’t right and all people are people so they should be treated with the same amount of respect and equality. The author is trying to tell us how big of an issue racism is and that people need to be inclusive and collaborate with one another no matter the color of their skin.