Blackout Poem – “O Captain, My Captain.”

Analysis of O Captain! My Captain


It is important to understand the full meaning of a poem such as “O Captain! My Captain!”, By Walt Whitman. A poem can have two different meanings, figuratively and literally. The poem is written in a first-person point of view. It begins with the narrator addressing their voyage “O CAPTAIN! my Captain! our fearful trip is done” (1) The mood throughout the whole poem is celebratory, but also somber at the same time. As the crew have just came back from a journey, and have succeeded in it, but their captain has fallen dead. As they’re coming back to shore, the crowd is seen celebrating “For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding” (11). Although this is because the shore is not informed that the Captain is dead, confirming that the mood is celebratory for the people on the shore, but very somber for the people aboard the vessel. Upon further research into the novel, the literal meaning of the novel is about a captain who dies during their voyage, but the figurative meaning is about Abraham Lincolns assassination, and how much he did for America, such as abolishing slavery, but also causing the Civil War. The poem also uses poetic devices such as, Repetition and we see that a lot in the story with the narrator repeating “for you” (10-12) This is to emphasize that it is for “you” as in the Captain. We also see alliteration “But O heart! heart! heart!” (4) and finally, a metaphor “It is some dream that on the deck, you’ve fallen cold and dead.” (15-16). There are many poems such as “O Captain! My Captain” that have different meanings in them, so it is important to look deeper into poems to see if they can have another meaning, or you will miss out on understanding poems to the fullest potential.

Walter Mitty Daydream Six

“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” Expressionism/Realism Narrative


“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” is a short story written by James Thurber. In this story, it shows expressionism and realism. With expression, there is mental concepts that presents memories, dreams, thoughts, flashbacks and pauses of live time. For Realism, it seeks to reproduce the effect of actuality, real life people and situations. The protagonist of the story, Walter Mitty, has a lot of experience with expression and realism, He constantly switches from a dream to reality, we see many examples of this such as him dreaming of being a surgeon “In the operating room there were whispered introductions: “A nurse hurried over and whispered to Renshaw, and Mitty saw the man turn pale. “Coreopsis has set in,” said Renshaw nervously. “If you would take over, Mitty?” To him going back to reality and almost getting into a car crash. “Back it up, Mac! Look out for that Buick!” Walter Mitty jammed on the brakes. “Wrong lane, Mac,” said the parking-lot attendant, looking at Mitty closely.

Walter lit another cigarette and began to puff.  “Walterrr! Walter!” He heard his wife yell from inside the drug store, “Yes honey?” he responded as he took a peek into the store, “Stomp out that cigarette and come in and help me” she said, Walter hurried into the store and quickly began helping Ms. Mitty. When they finished their shopping, they went outside to a massive storm that had just started. Mitty quickly took out an umbrella and walked with Mrs. Mitty to their car

Captain Mitty and his crew were aboard the “Joy of the Seas” with heavy winds, heavy storm and 60 foot waves. “Captain! What are we going to do? These waves are bigger than our boat!” yelled one of the crew members. Captain Mitty was sure they were going to get out of this alive, he yelled back “Dave! Take out the anchor!” “Steve move the sails against the wind” Quickly the crew followed his orders and braced themselves against the wave. Out of pure luck the boat went right through over the wave and ended up behind it.

“Walter? Are you going to start the car?” said Ms. Mitty. “Hmmm?” said Walter, Sorry Honey it just happened again.