“Volcano Lab”:

When you watched your volcano erupt, what did you notice about the “pyroclastic” flow? Describe its movement.

The flow was slow and “frothy” it was thick and i think if it would have reached our village it would have taken down some trees.

When you watched the videos of the Hawaiian Eruption from Mount Kilauea, what did you notice about the way it interacted with the landscape?

It was burning all the trees and it was also destroying cars. It slowly was destroying everything.

Why is the volcanic activity important for places like Hawaii?

It consistently builds new area for the island to expand.

How did people respond to the volcanic activity?

They realizes it’s just part of the way of life on that island, but they took it seriously and evacuated when necessary.

Compare what you saw in the video to life here in Vancouver. What if the Coquitlam Mountain erupted, how would you respond?

It would definitely feel scary but would be interesting to experience that first hand.