Analyzing Two Separate Creative Footprints

Reflection: Two things I’m proud of: My argument being strong enough for my first comparison essay after a year or so.  My concept of the raw creative footprint, which I consider to be pretty clever in my opinion. Two things I should work on:  Finding…

Lyrical Free Verse in Response to “Yet Do I Marvel”

I’ve never understood this eternal idea of: Why? Religion is just a state of mind, right? Yet it always shines bright. Why? Does God turn his back on us While we, humanity, survive suffering that the almighty One sleeps upon Why? There are just so…

16 Personalities Reflection

What is your personality type? – Cousul (I think they got my personality pretty accurately if I must say.) Three words to describe you? – Kind, creative, and brave. What you can learn from having a strong personal awareness of yourself and others? – I…