Nikolay 10/1/18
A Mountain Journey by Howard O’Hagan
A brave man takes on nature and gets pushed to his limits. Dave Conroy is an experienced trapper that has to make the journey through the mountains to his a cabin, after trapping for six weeks. With him, he has fifty pounds of fur and five days worth of food. After he has a rest he plans on going to the eastern market and making a good profit from all the fur he’s been getting. Unluckily for Dave Conroy, he underestimated the power of nature and his pride took over. “He knew what he should do. He should stop, make a fire, dry his hands and feet, change his socks and mittens.” Pg 94 The cabin was too tempting bacon in the morning a warm dry bed and a fire. He thought he could dominate nature. In the end, he failed making to many mistakes along the road and being impatient. He was confident he could make the journey alone by putting the hike off and getting more fur for the road. If he left earlier, He probably would have made it because the conditions weren’t as bad as now. He should have stopped and camped when he saw the tree with no snow under it and he should have made a fire when he fell in the river. Even if he made it to the cabin and it hadn’t been burned down he would freeze because he couldn’t start a fire with his frozen hands. He let his pride take over and at this point, he couldn’t save himself. He was too impatient by trying to make it home that day; Dave should have waited another night and made it tomorrow by breakfast and then make it to his friend’s cabin by lunch with no problem. Even near the end his pride was taking over, “He had never finished a day in the mountains yet without another ten miles up his sleeve.” pg.97 His confidence got the best of him and it led to his bitter end.
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