What I have learned about grade 9 fractions

how negative fractions are displayed on a number line

This can be any fraction you just have to remove/put more spaces in between the whole numbers.

how you compare fractions

The way you compare fractions is by putting them on a common denominator. Then you can see which numerator is bigger and that is the bigger fraction because that is the only difference unless the fraction is the same. From that point, it’s simple addition.

ex:  \frac{3}{5} ? \frac{7}{10}

\frac{6}{10} < \frac{7}{10}


adding and subtracting fractions (where at least one is negative)

You can add and subtract fractions by putting them both on a common denominator (if they’re not already). Then you determine whether the fractions are positive or negative.

ex:  \frac{-8}{10} + \frac{-2}{10} = \frac{-10}{10} = 1

even though there is a plus both fractions are negative.

ex 2: \frac{3}{10} - \frac{-4}{10} = \frac{7}{10}

The final answer is positive because the second has two negatives which equal’s a positive number.

Multiplication of fractions (where at least one is negative)

For multiplication you just do it, by multiplying the two tops and the two bottoms.

ex: \frac{3}{7}\cdot\frac{2}{4}


Division of fractions (where at least one is negative)

ex: \frac{5}{10}\div\frac{4}{5}

For division you turn it into multiplication by flipping the fraction!


Then if you can, you can simplify the multiplication like this.


Then you JUST DO IT!!!


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