Your Favourite Lord of the Flies Characters as Disney Characters

Disney brings us complex characters in a childish concept, characters that we fall in love with. Lord of the Flies is about a bunch of young boys trying to survive. Here is a list of Disney characters that relate to our beloved Lord of the Flies characters the most.

1. Ralph is our Beloved Li Shang

Li Shang was our warrior who fought bravely against the Huns. He fought and led to protect his people from danger. Quite like Ralph, who had the position of leading his group to safety. They both led with hope and powerful speeches. Well, their leading was debatable at times, but they still had the realistic ideas that kept them in-line.

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2. Jack Would be a Peter Pan Double 

What was Peter Pan all about? He wanted to live where there were no adults and it was always fun! In this world, they were always young and having a good time. Peter Pan wanted kids to join him in this place. What does Jack believe in? Jack believes in fun! On the adult free island, all Jack wants is to have his group of hunters behind him and run in the forest all day for the enjoyment of catching their prey. Also, they both rock red hair!

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3. Piggy is Totally Mushu

Our little Piggy and Mushu never were much of a strong character, but they never failed to be a supportive companion. Piggy couldn’t lead but helped Ralph remain a leader. Mushu was always there to support the beloved Mulan in her fight to victory. Both seemed weak but never failed to be helpful to their leader.

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4. Simon is Christ-like, Just Like Simba

Simba, after all the hardship, helped heal the problems within his people. He was a saint. Simon is a character that has been highly represented to be saint-like; whether Simon is sharing or helping out, he is always there for others in need.

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5. Sam and Eric or Deedle Dee and Deedle Dum? 

Both are twins. Both stick together in everything they do. Both just want to enjoy themselves and may not be the most responsible or reliable. Need I say more?

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Tay-Sachs Disease – Mendelian Genetics

Image result for Tay–Sachs DiseaseThe genetic disorder that causes the destruction of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord is called Tay-Sachs disease. This disease can begin as a child, around ages three to six months, and can cause inability to sit, turnover, or crawl. These symptoms are then followed by seizures, inability to move, and loss of hearing. The child dies early in childhood. It is seen that these symptoms occur later in childhood or adulthood, but it is less common and mild in nature. 

This disease is passed down from a parent in an autosomal recessive manner. If the child inherits both of this recessive gene, they are likely to have this disease. The recessive genes cause a mutation when creating the enzyme Betahexosamidase A which leads to toxicity when it causes a build-up of molecules within the cells.

This disease is rare but follows the people of Ashkenazi Jews, French Canadians of the southeast, and Cajuns of Southern Louisana. It is more common in these populations to receive the recessive gene twice. Those whose alleles are both for this recessive disease have the illness. It follows the Mendelian genetics because it is an allele that follows only on the recessive gene and can only cause change if the carrier has two recessive genes for this disease.

