Mount St. Helens Response/Interview

Mount St Helens-24fjyjk


My Moms Friend:

After speaking with many people, I finally talked to a person who had an interesting story to tell.  My Mom’s friend lived in Quebec at the time, so wasn’t directly affected by the eruption.  Although, a very close friend of hers who lived in Washington at the time was one of the people who went missing due to the eruption.  They were never found.  She talked about how devastating it was.  Knowing that someone can be taken away from you so quickly without any notice.  Especially not being able to have confirmation about what really happened to them.  She still thinks about if her friend is buried out there under all the soil now, or if she was burnt to crisp, or maybe even alive somewhere somehow.  I realized that not having confirmation can really make a person wonder, or even believe they’re still alive.  Which I honestly think is unhealthy.  This story shows how people can be affected not just directly living around the area, but even being far away.

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