The Cat in the Hats’ Tree’s

The Cat in the Hat thought that if a tree was kept inside, it wouldn’t turn red and lose all its’ leaves in the fall like the other trees.  He decided to test his hypothesis by keeping a tree inside his club house and a tree in his yard.  He kept the room the tree was in at room temperature.  His conclusions were that keeping a tree inside does not slow it down from turning red and changing for the fall weather.

1. What was the problem the Cat in the Hat wanted to investigate?

2. What is the independent variable?

3. What is the dependent variable?

4. What do you think the Cat in the Hats conclusion should be?

5. How could the Cat in the Hat improve his experiment?


1. What was the theory the Cat in the Hat wanted to investigate? Whether keeping a tree inside would stop it from aging. 

2. What is the independent variable? The independent variable was where the tree was stored.

3. What is the dependent variable? The dependant variable is the colour and health of the tree and its’ leaves. 

4. What do you think the Cat in the Hats conclusion should be? That keeping a tree inside does not stop it from aging. 

5. How could the Cat in the Hat improve his experiment? The type of tree, size, age, health….. The Cat in the Hat could also have had more trials throughout fall. winter-autumn-spring-summer-tree

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