3D Art Page

Week #, Date, Title (projects worked on) 

  1. A brief overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of the process
  2. Your biggest struggle of the week
  3. Your biggest success of the week
  4. Goal for next week:


Week 1, September 7, 2023, Introductory Week

  1. In class, I participated in a scavenger hunt with my classmates. On edublog, I had set up my 3D art page.
  2. I had trouble transferring images of paintings I took a photo on my phone of the 3D Art page using my laptop.
  3. I had successfully created my 3D art page on my edublog.
  4. My goal for next week is to complete our first assigned project.



Week 2, September 14, 2023  Elements and Principles of Art Skill Builder

  1. We worked on our first project this week. We were to use a viewfinder in a magazine to identify the elements and principles of art. We had to cut the materials we identified and glue them beneath one of the elements.
  2. I had trouble managing to complete the assignment on time.
  3. I had successfully completed the assignment before the week ended and posted it on my edublog.
  4. Next week, I want to do research regarding my animal, its threats, and solutions.


Week 3, September 18, 2023, Life on Land Research, Black-footed ferret
Black-footed ferrets are endangered by habitat loss and non-native diseases (sylvatic plague). The ferrets are wholly dependent on the presence of prairie dogs and their colonies for food, shelter, and raising their young.

The solutions to the threats are to reintroduce sites and relocate prairie dogs to increase ferret habitat. Research better techniques to help protect prairie dogs as well as reduce sylvatic plague in prairie dogs’ colonies.


Week 4, September 28, 2023, Inquiry Term-Long Project

I would like to sew a medium-sized plushie for my research project. This plush toy is a dragon named Pikl from Nijisanji EN, and its owner is a character from the first wave called LazuLight by the name of Elira Pendora. I specifically intend to make the second outfit starting in January 2022.

The purpose of making this plushie was to have a companion for when I dress up as Elira in her second outfit. I’ve seen cosplayers use sewing and painting to construct their own costumes from scratch. even programming for the development of 3D weapons. I was inspired and would like to create something from scratch in order to master a skill. The pikl must be made as the final step before I have everything that goes with Elira’s outfit.
I’ll start by reading up on and watching YouTube videos about making plushies from scratch. I’ll learn about stitching techniques that could help the plush seem better overall, as well as how to simplify the procedure for myself. I might, however, make mistakes along the way, but I will work through them not by restarting but by working with them, as I’ll learn more along the way about creating the plush.
Week 4, September 28, 2023, Life on Land Research, Black-footed ferret
  1. In order to make the body pieces for my ferret this week, I traced, cut, and hot-glued aluminium foil to the pieces of my ferret. To make the ferret more sturdy, I also made “ribcages” for it and glued aluminium foil to give its paws more bulk.  
  2. My biggest challenge this week was creating the ribs to fit the body. It took a few tries until the rib cage didn’t break and fit the body.
  3. Successfully completing the rib cages on the ferret.
  4. My goal for next week is to begin the paper mache process.


Week 5, October 5, 2023 , Life on Land Research, Black-footed ferret 

  1. I had to repeat the rib cages this week since the first time I did them, I didn’t do them right. Earlier, the forelegs and hindlegs were both covered by the rib cages. I had to adjust the rib cages to fit behind the front and hind legs as a result.                                                                         
  2. The rib cages were my hardest challenge since they kept breaking when I tried to place them beneath the front and hind legs.
  3. I had successfully made the rib cages fit behind the forelegs and hind legs after a few tries.
  4. My goal for next week is to begin the paper mache process.


Week 6, October 12, 2023, Life on Land Research, Black-footed ferret

  1. This week, I began the paper mache process. I completed the first layer of paper mache and let it dry, then added the second layer.                                     
  2. My biggest challenge was placing the paper mache on the ferret’s paws because they were more delicate than the rest of the ferret. It was challenging not to destroy the paws and the aluminium foil.
  3. Without damaging the paws, I had successfully wrapped the paper mache around them.
  4. My goal for next week is to create facts about black-footed ferrets.


Week 7, October 19, 2023, Small Art Project

  1. I completed a small side art piece this week. Using mixed-media paper, I made a yellow box and coloured it yellow. I drew, coloured, and attached four distinct flowers to the yellow box. I finished by glueing the flower box to a card. I’m also creating the facts about the ferret.
  2. Several of the flowers’ heads tipped downward during the attachment process, making it difficult to see them clearly. The flower box was supposed to fold down when the card was closed and back up when it was opened; therefore, I had difficulties attaching it correctly. At first, I had attached it incorrectly.
  3. I had successfully completed my small art project and glued the flower box in the proper spot so that it could fold down and up when the card was closed and opened.
  4. Goal for next week: finish creating the facts for my black-footed ferret.


Week 8, October 26, 2023, Life on Land Research, Black-footed ferret 

  1. I continued to research facts about the black-footed ferret, such as their diet, endangerment, habitat, activities, and why they’re special to the ecosystem and should be saved from extinction. After I’d finalized the facts, I slid them inside the ferret.                 
  2. I had trouble finding intriguing facts about the black-footed ferret because much of the information I found was about the essentials of the black-footed ferret, such as diet and habitat. My idea was to compile a variety of sources and sift through them in search of interesting facts about ferrets.
  3. I had successfully found a minimum of eight facts on trustworthy websites, such as national geographic and wild life, about the black-footed ferret.
  4. Goal for next week: To begin the clay mache process on the ferret.


Week 9, November 2, 2023, Complicated Bust Self-Portrait Purpose 

List of emotions:

1. Despair
2. admiration
3. excitement
4. confusion
5. horror

Because I see individuals close to me struggling, I chose admiration. Their acceptance of their difficulties is commendable, and they seem to have come to terms with it. They are self-aware; they understand that it might be hard to accept your challenges at times, but they did, and they want to improve. That’s really admirable.

I have decided to use pink roses as my symbol. They express gratitude, admiration, and appreciation. They are associated with happiness and joy in Eastern cultures. In contrast, they stand for appreciation and elegance in Western civilizations. They are connected to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, in Greek mythology. Since all of the connotations of pink roses relate to appreciation, joy, grace, and gratitude, they serve as a universal emblem of admiration across cultural boundaries.


Week 9, November 2, 2023, Life on Land Research, Black-footed ferret 

  1. This week, I attached two light purple ribbons around the ferret’s bottom. In addition, I began the paper mache on the bottom of the ferret to conceal the cardboard and facts.                                 
  2. The ferret’s bottom paper mache was difficult for me to work with. It was challenging to conceal the forelegs and hindlegs using newspaper stripes. Nevertheless, to reveal the contour of the legs, I gently pushed the paper stripes to create a crease by following the creases of the legs with my finger.
  3. I had successfully used paper mache to make creases that revealed the legs’ shape.
  4. Goal for next week: To begin the clay mache process on the ferret.


Week 10, November 9, 2023, Life on Land Research, Black-footed ferret 

  1. This week, I finally started working on my ferret’s paper clay. I began with the head, then proceeded on to the body from back to side, and finally the belly. Lastly, I got to the tail.               
  2. I had difficulty increasing the amount of muscle and fat on the upper parts of both the forglegs and hindlegs. I used my middle and index fingers to form the muscle as I gradually added more paper clay to create it.
  3. I had successfully created the fat and muscle for the forglegs and hindlegs.
  4. Goal for next week: to start the joint compound.

Week 11, November 16, 2023, Life on Land Research, Black-footed ferret 

  1. This week, I began the joint compound and completed it. I used my fingers to create a fur-like texture with the joint compound and afterwards left it to dry for a while.                                     
  2. I found it difficult to fill in the edges with joint compound around the ferret’s forelegs and hindlegs; therefore, I had to gently fill in the edges with the tip of my fingernails.
  3. I had successfully completed the joint compound within the week that I wanted to finish it.
  4. Goal for next week: begin painting the ferret once it has dried.

Week 12, November 23, 2023, Life on Land Research, Black-footed ferret 

  1. I started painting on the joint compound this week after gathering the required acrylic paint colours (orange, yellow, burnt umber, white, and brown).                                                   
  2. Getting a nice gradient with the burnt umber and brown paint was difficult for me. Getting it to seem textured like fur was difficult. In an attempt to make the gradient look more natural, I painted both colours wet to facilitate smoother mixing.
  3. Through the application of fresh paint layered on one another, I was able to get the desired natural look for the gradient.
  4. Goal for next week: to continue painting and hopefully complete ferret by the end of the week.


Week 13, November 30, 2023, Life on Land Research, Black-footed ferret 

  1. continued painting the black-footed ferret this week, adding more detail to the head, like the eyes and snout, and covering up any spots where the white paint was still visible.                     
  2. found it difficult to paint the eyes because there is burned umber paint where they should be. In order to make the eyes stand out, added shine to the region where the eyes should be.
  3. I successfully completed the project by my goal date.
  4. Goal for next week: to start the watercolour colour wheel and grid.



Final Product; Life on Land Research, Black-footed ferret 

Black-footed Ferret

December 4, 2023

Paper mache and acrylic paint

Nicole Gao

The black-footed ferret, once extinct, was discovered in Wyoming in 1981. Over 300 wild creatures have been reintroduced through initiatives like cloning, captive breeding, and habitat preservation. However, disease and habitat loss remain as major challenges for these creatures. Biologists believe 3,000 adult ferrets are needed to successfully rehabilitate this endangered species, which relies on prairie dogs for food, shelter, and raising their young.


Week 14, December 7, 2023, watercolour colour wheel and grid

  1. This week, I began the colour theory assignment by following the instructions on teams and drawing the necessary grid and colour wheel. I then taped the watercolour paper to cardboard to support the paper while I painted on it. I started the grid with the colours red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, magenta, and cyan.                                                                                     
  2. I had trouble mixing the two watercolour paints properly because I kept getting streaks on the second layer of paint on the grid.
  3. I had completed the grid and the watercolour wheel, relatively staying inside the boxes (except one box).
  4. Goal for next week: work on complicated bust.


Week 15, December 14, 2023, Complicated Bust Self-Portrait 

  1. began creating my intricate bust portrait this week by balling up news articles and putting them on a wooden board to represent my shoulders. After that, I took an empty toilet paper roll, cut it in half, and constructed my head on it before attaching it to my shoulders.                                     
  2. In order to tape the newspaper onto the wooden board, had to first cut the tape, then hold the newspaper down with one hand while taped from the centre of the ball shape to the board. This was difficult for me to do while was shaping my shoulders.
  3. In the week wanted to finish it, was able to successfully mold my head and shoulder using newspaper.
  4. Goal for next week: want to start the clay process for my bust.


Week 15, December 21, 2023, Complicated Bust Self-Portrait

  1. This week, started the clay process by moulding the clay and attaching it to the bust. When had to put the parts together, I had to score and slip, starting with my shoulders and working my way up to my neck and head, until there was no more newspaper and tape visible on the model.               
  2. Since it was my first time dealing with that much clay, had trouble moulding it at first, but was able to mould it more effectively by spritzing some water.
  3. I had successfully applied the whole model to clay.
  4. Goal for next week: to start building the areas where the mouth, eyebrow, nose, and eyes should go.

Studio Maintenance The acrylic paints need to be organized by color, which is taped on the counter in order. It also needs to be cleaned for the tube of where the paint comes out of. Acrylic paint is versatile and can be used on various surfaces such as canvas, wood, paper, and fabric. It’s commonly used for painting artwork, crafts, and DIY projects.

Division of Tasks and process 

I will collaboratively maintain this area by taking turns/roles on different days of the week to maintain the acrylic paints. Mista is my collaborative partner, we’ll switches days where I could clean out the tube of acrylic paint or organize them in color said by the tape on the counter.

End of Term Completion of Maintenance

By organizing the acrylic paint by color can make it easier for students to find the colors they need quickly, which can save time and reduce disruptions during class time. Cleaning out the paint tubes can help prevent waste and ensure that the paint is fresh and ready to use.


Week 16, January 4, 2024, Complicated Bust Self-Portrait

  1. I focused on sculpting the face this week, starting with the nose, to help me figure out where my mouth, eyes, and eyebrows would be. After I finished shaping the nose, I added the eye bags and drew the “lines” that represented my eyebrows above the eyes.                           
  2. It took me multiple attempts to get the perfect size and fit for my nose; I had to keep shaping the clay with the wooden modelling tool until it took on the proper shape. The sides of my nose were either too flat or too rounded and large.
  3. I had successfully completed sculpting and forming the face
  4. Goal for next week: Begin the hair and flowers.


Week 17, January 8, 2024, Complicated Bust Self-Portrait 

  1. This week, I started the process of shaping and sculpting the hair, my ear, and one pink rose. I started by rolling pieces of clay in my hands and using the wooden modelling tool to smooth the clay into the shape of spaghetti. I then attached the pieces to the head and continued the process, starting with my front hair and working my way around.                                                             
  2. The pink rose proved to be difficult to sculpt because, although the petals are meant to be delicate, working with such thin clay causes it to shatter or roll too easily. To mitigate this, I had to make the petals somewhat thicker to make them less brittle.
  3. I had successfully completed the hair on the right front of the head and started working on the roses.
  4. Goal for next week: Complete hair and roses
Week 18, January 19, 2024, Complicated Bust Self-Portrait 
  1. This week I continued to work on my hair sculpture and the roses I had started. I followed the same procedure, rolling the clay into a noodle and shaping the ends. I used my thumb and index finger to squish the clay to create multiple petals for the roses.                                     
  2. I struggled to keep the hair from breaking apart; I had to add more clay and sculpt it onto the broken part to keep it together.
  3. I had successfully finished sculpting my intricate bust, but I was unable to complete it by bisecting it and painting it.
Inquiry Project Documentation:
Inquiry Project

Felt fabric & fabric
Janurary 22, 2024
Nicole Gao

I originally intended to make Pikl, a related inquiry project to Elira Pendora, but I concluded that it would take too long and I would not be able to finish it in time.

Instead of choosing Pikl as the fanscot, I decided to make “weewa,” which had a simpler look but still let me to push myself because I had never created a cloud form like this or created the wars/wings..

I gained knowledge of a wide range of stitches, primarily the ones that work well for making plush toys. I primarily employed the backstitch and ladder stitch techniques, excluding the running stitch for the “+” and paw pad.


Complicated Bust Self-Portrait 



January 19, 2024

Nicole Gao

The facial expression depicted in “Enamoured” is that of someone who is filled with nothing but admiration, gratitude, and love for the people they care about. The genuine and overwhelming expression of heartfelt emotion during the moment their gaze is on the people they love is represented by the smile wrinkle and the eye smiles. I chose this emotion because it spoke to me in an inexplicable way; I only have love in my heart for the people I care about, and I find it admirable when they struggle but continue to go on; I wanted to convey this into “Enamoured”. The rose signifies admiration because, in the language of flowers, it signifies all three of these.