reproduction comparison


mitosis and meiosis differences:

difference between mitosis and meiosis, is mitosis uses asexual reproduction, this is when the mother cell is divided into two cells. This only occurs with one organism and no mates are needed. While Meiosis is sexual reproduction, this is when in-order to reproduce it has to have a chromosome from the female and a chromosome from the male.

Mitosis reproduce 2 daughter cells that are genetically identical to its parent cell. The two daughter cells are diploids meaning it contains a normal amount of chromosomes. While meiosis produces 4 daughter cells, each of the 4 daughter cells are genetically non-identical cells to their parents and as well as to each other. The daughters cells are haploid, meaning they contain half of the normal amount of chromosomes which is 23 chromosomes from both the parents. This is because of the process they go through called “crossing over,” this occurs in prophase I where the homologous chromosome exchanging their genetic materials to each other. In mitosis, there is no crossing over because of the one parent cell there is no need in asexual reproduction to find mates.

Meiosis are produced in sex organs while for mitosis it produces all over the body. For instance, if you got a paper cut, this is where the mitosis cycle will come in and create identical copies of the skin cells that were once there, before the paper cut happened so you could heal. Meiosis is where it produces an organism’s gametes that later on fuses together in-order to create a zygote. To create a zygote 23 chromosomes from both the female and the male needs to fuse together and this will later on develop into a new organism.

Mitosis and meiosis similarities:

Mitosis and meiosis does have their similarities to each other, both are ways to reproduce. Mitosis and meiosis cycles needs its DNA to replicate before the cycles start. The metaphase II, anaphase II and the telophase II is a repeated process from mitosis. The pulling apart of chromosomes to either ends of the cell, the placing of the chromosomes in the telophase as well as the division down the middle for cytokinesis. Both mitosis and meiosis produces new cells solely based on their parents cell genes.

Pros and cons fo sexual reproduction:

With the sexual reproduction existing, that means there are also pros about it. Here are some pros about sexual reproduction:

  • a variation of genes such as inheritance of ones health and looks, or even some personality traits from ones parent.
  • A higher chance of adaptabilities to changing environmental conditions.

With pros there are cons that comes it with it. Here are some cons about sexual reproduction:

  • some variation of genes may be undesired
  • Fusion would be hard if one of the parents that have fertility issues
  • The process of population growth is slower and takes more effort and nurturing time.
  • Offsprings are not guaranteed until months later in the process

Pros and cons of asexual reproduction:

Here are the pros for asexual reproduction:

  • good qualities are guaranteed to the offspring without the variations
  • Individuals that are asexually produced mature a lot faster and doesn’t need the effort of nurturing
  • Population grows rapidly
  • Energy requirements are minimal for reproducing ( no mates, and it’s quick)
  • There are multiple forms of asexual reproduction
  • Guaranteed offsprings

Some cons for asexual reproduction:

cons for asexual reproduction: 

  • bad qualities are guaranteed to the offsprings from the parents
  • Diversity is limited
  • Competition between all the offsprings for nutrients
  • Overcrowding
  • Elimination of the species have a higher chance
  • Environmental changes could badly affect the species

One thought on “reproduction comparison

  1. You demonstrate an excellent understanding of both sexual and asexual reproduction and meiosis and mitosis. You have creatively synthesized your understanding of these concepts in your post. Great job comparing the two, sharing the pros and cons of each.

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