Asexual reproduction superhero


“BNYF” stands for Binary Fission


BNYF’s power is Binary fission. Binary fission is where a cell particularly a bacteria, duplicates its DNA and divides itself into two identical daughter cells. BNYF can produce a “mini clones” of himself, these clones are not necessarily a human nor an animal but instead, they’re bacteria. The clones can duplicate it’s DNA and grow larger. The clones will make more copies of themselves and this can help BNYF battle.


Costume explanation:

The reason behind the no sleeve top is particularly due to BNYF needing to create his mini clones. In order to create the clones he would need his bare skin so it can pop out without needing to shred his costume.

His mini bags or pockets, are mainly used as storage and for storing small weapons that could be useful during battles.

His gloves are for better grip on objects or anything that he could grab onto when needed.

His red bandana is used mainly for emergencies for example if someone got injured and is bleeding the red bandana can help with stopping the bleeding.

The runners are used for speed, under the runners there’s a small area where there are wheels and a button. When the button is pressed the runners can transform into roller skates in order to gain more speed and momentum.


If BNYF doesn’t consume enough food, he wouldn’t be able to create his clones. He needs a certain amount of considerable food ingestion to be able to generate his clones properly. By creating the clones he’s burning his calories constantly and if there’s not enough calories and fat in his body, there’s a possibility where he can become very weak for the next few weeks.

Another weakness of his, is the process of creating clones, his process isn’t the most efficient timing for a battle. His clones take up about 3 minutes and the clones generating enough for battle will take about 15 minutes. His powers are a bit slow compared to regular binary fission. This will particularly happen if BNFY doesn’t consume the most effective amount of calories from his food well enough.

His clones can only create a certain amount of copies of itself, this falls short of binary fission.


How does this power relate to binary fission?

BNYF’s power relates to binary fission because of the process his powers go through. His mini clones that he creates go through a process of binary fission.

Repliacting DNA🧬  – The first step is copying its chromosomes, after copying the chromosomes the bacteria will increase in size and this also increases the cytoplasmic.

Segregation – The chromosomes will then move to opposites poles of the cell. Afterwards, the cell will increase in length with a septum forming in the middle. The chromosomes are separated.

Cytokinesis – In the final stage, a newly formed cell wall is forms, and the cell splits in the centre, thus dividing the parent cell into the new daughter cells.



One thought on “Asexual reproduction superhero

  1. Excellent asexual reproduction superhero: BNYF. What a great picture that demonstrates binary fission in a superhero. I love the closer look page you created! Great work including pros and cons of this type of asexual reproduction. Also, great work talking about the limitations of your model, like: my superhero creates limited copies of itself. Great work!

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