“The Secluded Lot” – Graphic Novel


“The Secluded Lot” – Plot Points

1 (exposition) “I’d like to inquire a lot,” the old man said, the effort of decision was evident in his voice.” (115)

2 (rising action) “I’d prefer a location where trees and shrubs have had a chance to grow.” (115)

3 (rising action) “I don’t want perpetual care.” The old gentleman was indignant. (117)

4 (rising action) “Please sign here.” Mr. Jerome pushed the document towards him. The old man signed with a shaky hand. (118)

5 (climax) “How dare you operate a beehive in the cemetery?” (119)

6 (falling action) “It’s on my property. I purchased it, did I not?” (119)

7 (falling action) “Mr. Jerome, I have done you a great service. Your flowers have never been so magnificent and plentiful.” (120)

8 (resolutions) “Mr. Jerome, I have reached an important decision: I should like to buy another lot.” (121)

