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- Process: We chose the hexagon to be the shape of our football. We started by snapping the pieces of spaghetti into quarters, then individually made hexagons with the spaghetti. The small pieces of spaghetti were connected by mini marshmallows. After making a bunch of hexagons, we pushed them together from the sides and used smaller pieces (1/8 of spaghetti) to connect the marshmallows. That would create a net. We made 2 of these nets and if we had more time, we would’ve been able to connect the 2 nets the same way we connected each of the hexagon and it would’ve opened to form a football.
- What I learned: After making the football and watching the video, I learned that a football is made by using both hexagons and pentagons. I also discovered a new way geometry plays a role in our life.
- How this is a math problem: This is a math problem because it contains geometry and problem solving. Having limited supplies and time to make the football out of spaghetti sticks and marshmallows we had to think hard about what we had to do. Even though we didn’t have enough time to complete the football we knew what we were doing but next time I know to use shorter pieces of spaghetti as that will make the structure more stable.