Invention Discovery Scavenger Hunt 4

Invention Discovery Scavenger Hunt 4

Testing your invention

How will you know if your invention will be successful? You have to test it. How will you test it? By asking questions below, and write your answers down below. After you have finished writing, discuss it with others on whether you think your invention will be successful and where it may be improved.

  1. What is the problem I am solving?

Avoid getting wet while trying to put a baby in a car while holding an umbrella.  You can safely put a baby in the car with two hands using the holder I invented.

  1. Where did I get my idea? Is it really original?

My dad and I were talking about this idea and him remembering this problem when I was a baby and he was trying to put me in the car while holding an umbrella too.

  1. What other inventions or products are like it?

There is something like it already, but mine would clip on the frame of the car, not the door.

  1. What name did I come up with?


  1. Will my invention work?

I hope so.

  1. How do I know?

Because there is something like it in real life, but I didn’t know that when I thought of the idea with my dad.
7. Is it practical? Can it be made easily?

Yes.  It could be made using a 3D printer.

  1. How expensive will it be to make? Will it break easily? For you best answers, GOOGLE… “how to make your invention prototype” and view the results… you may have to do a little digging.

Only a few dollars as 3D filament doesn’t cost a lot.

  1. Will People use my invention? How do I know?

I hope so.  There are lots of people with babies.  It rains a lot here, so it could be helpful.

  1. Who else has thought of the same idea? Check out this article and write a brief about what you think?

The Inventors: B.C. stays on cutting edge thanks to these dreamer entrepreneurs

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