Community Connections

For my Community Connections assignment, I chose to interview Mitch Bosch who is a personal trainer at the Hollyburn Country Club in West Vancouver.  I was interested in interviewing Mitch because I have recently had a passion for working out and getting fit.  I have been working out at the gym for the past 8 months because I want to get stronger and more active.  This has become an important part of my life.  This is a passion that Mitch shares with me and it has also become his career.


One day I was talking with my family about this project where I have to interview someone I share a passion with.  I thought that it would be cool to interview someone who trains other people at a fitness centre and who is interested in working out like I am.  My dad knows Mitch through his work as they both work at the Hollyburn Country Club.



When I asked Mitch what his roles and responsibilities are, he said:

“As a personal trainer my job is to coach my client to achieve their goals. Through assessments like range of motion, functional movement and stability test I create a workout plan that will allow my clients to progress safely and effectively.

In my current role at Hollyburn Country Club as personal training & fitness coordinator, I help run the fitness centre. I’m responsible for finding the perfect trainer for our members and deciding what equipment would better serve our members.”

Source: Steve Good

I asked Mitch some other questions about his job.  These are the responses he gave me:

Why are you passionate about your job?

“Besides the relationships that I have with my clients, I get to see individuals improve right in front of my eyes. Rep to rep and set to set. Coaching someone’s movement is like a constant puzzle. I’m constantly trying to create proper movement through verbal cues, visual examples and external feedback (like a bubbler band around the knees).”

What obstacles have you faced to get you where you are today?

“Common obstacles that personal trainers have to deal with is correcting bad information and earning a client’s trust. A financial obstacle with personal training is the irregularity of income. It’s takes some time to build up a clientele. Digital marketing, referral programs and word of mouth can help with this.”

What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

“Understand the muscular system and movement. Learn how to fix movement and imbalances because they are more common than you think. Getting big and strong is just one aspect of training.”

When did you find your passion for your career?

“I first notice I had a passion for personal training in university. As a team captain on the varsity football team I took pride helping teammates in the weight room. Improving movement, providing knowledge and motivating.”



 What do you enjoy most about your job?

“I love interacting with different people to make them feel better and to achieve their goals.”

 Would you be open to further contact from Riverside students?

Of course! My email is

I learned that Mitch likes to help his clients achieve their goals and be successful.  I also learned that he plans workouts for his clients and helps choose which equipment is best for them.  I learned that it’s important to know how muscles work and move.  Knowing the movements of each muscle and what the role of them are in the body can help strengthen muscles correctly and not injure yourself by moving muscles the wrong way.

This interview made me think that when I’m older, I could be a personal trainer in university or college because I can get other people in spirits to be healthy and fit as well.  My career goal is to become an ERT (Emergency Response Team) member and being fit and strong is a huge advantage in that job for running fast to catch up with a criminal and having the strength to break down a door.

Overall, I enjoyed this interview because I learned what it is like to be a personal trainer and find out what a normal day is for Mitch.


Here is a link to his website:

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for submitting your Community Connection assignment for COL. We have reviewed your Edublog post, and have the following observations regarding your work:

    – Great job interviewing someone and seeking out information regarding their expertise
    – Way to incorporate your answers on your edublog
    – Thanks for going the extra mile on this assignment. This is a great example of a connection!

    Thank you,

    Mr. Barazzuol and Mr. Robinson
    COL Teachers


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