FEC kindness act

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Social change can happen with the small change of individuals. One small act can have a huge impact on someone or the world.

When Alma asked the question, “Why cant girls get the water too”, The girls started to get the water and things started to change. One act can have a huge affect. Alma asked a simple question and that made things around them change that day. A youtuber named Mr. Beast, he bought a house for a homeless man full of furniture, food, and much more. The man saw the house, found out it was his and that made his day, actually, his whole year. The man was super happy to see this occur in his life. Mr. beast did not do a small act of kindness but i am showing you how an act can lead on to a huge affect and catch on to someone around them. It does not have to be an act of kindness, it can just be a simple act, question, ETC. Another example, a youtuber gave iphone 11 pros to strangers he walk by on the street. These people love to make people happy and make their day by putting kindness towards them. The story’s theme statement relates to Gandalf’s quote by it saying,  “It is The small deeds of ordinary folk that keep darkness at bay. kindness and love.” This part of the quote is like the kindness and acts the youtubers did. These are acts of kindness that had a huge impact.



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