Intro Write English 9

The Best Dog

The best dog is my dog. We decided to get a dog early on a warm spring day. We always wanted a dog but we had to go over rules and what dog to get. We decided to go with a Whippet, a skinny little dog which is the fastest dog breed. My dad found a woman on Facebook that lived in Salmon Arm. For  the first two months we kept in contact with the woman and we would try to guess which dog we would get considering she would pick a dog for us. There were 8  male dogs in total. During this time we would look at all the photos she sent to us and try to decide as a family which one we wanted. My sister Sophie wanted number 2, 6 or 8. My Dad wanted 2, or 8, My Mom wanted 3, and 7, while I wanted all of them.   Because we were the last family to claim a puppy, we had last choice. We were happy to find out the week before picking up the new puppy, that ours was number 6. He wasn’t our first choice, but they were all so cute, it really didn’t matter. At the end of July we went to get our new dog. So many feelings were going through my body and my sisters as well. We were all so excited to see our puppy. When we got there, the breeder lady brought all the puppies out of the house and they ran all around us. We weren’t sure which was ours, until she pointed him out.  when we saw our puppy we immediately fell in love with him. He was so cute and sweet. My parents filled out the paper work, paid her, and left. On the way home we decided to name him Ozzi. Unfortunately he got car sick several times on the way home.  We still could not believe we now owned a dog. I was happy, my dad, mom, and sister where happy as well…  and so was Ozzi.


1 Comment

  1. Nick – you wrote a very sweet, thoughtful composition!


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