Nicholas' Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio


Science 9

Experimental Inquiry Project

Our group decide to test if soil density can affect how a plant grows? Our hypothesis was yes it would affect the plant, here are some predictions, yes because the denser the soil, the more difficult it would be for… Continue Reading →

First People’s Interconnectedness and Sustainability

First off, I’ll be talking about Sustainability. First off, what is sustainability? Sustainability is the ability to find methods of living that will not affect our ecosystem in a harmful way, simple things such as growing some of your food can… Continue Reading →

Mutation Story

Mutation Story

Asexual Reproduction Lesson 1


Electric Muscle Stimulator

Electric Muscle Stimulator Form and Function: Different types of electrical muscle stimulation: 1. TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) type of electrical stimulation used to decrease acute and chronic pain by interrupting the pain signals from the injured tissue to your… Continue Reading →

Protected: Science App Review

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