How does the picture relate to FEC?

I believe it relates to FEC because it explains that small actions can change the way people think and stop the problems we face everyday in our lives. Little actions here and there can give people hope and happiness and keep people positive, and if they are positive, they can make others positive, and it becomes a chain reaction that continues endlessly.

What is meant by small acts of kindness?

What it means is that simple actions such as holding a door open for someone, or helping someone move a heavy object or even some groceries. It can make someones day, and can even inspire others who see you doing those actions. Peoples lives can be affected by how you treat them, if you help them instead of just walking past them, it shows them that there are people who are there to help others in need.

Who has been on the forefront of change, but is an ordinary person?

This is a women by the name of Harriet Tubman, her original name is Araminta Ross. She was a slave in the early 1800s, she endured many beatings which included one that split her skull, causing permanent epilepsy and narcolepsy. At around the 1850s her owner died, and she took the opportunity to flee to Pennsylvnia through an underground railroad, though soon after she escaped, she learned that her niece was going to be sold, so she returned back to slave territory to save her niece and children, which also included her risking her own life for it. A few months after that, she returned once more to save her brother. She was called “the Moses” by any of people around her, and she had made in total 19 trips back to the territory, saving over 300 slaves, and the owners had no idea it was just her doing all this, only abolitionists knew. Later when the Civil war started, she took part with mapping terrain, aiding the wounded and even leading armed assaults. Sadly, the U.S. government never recognized her work until 40 years later, which also meant that she was faced with poverty for most her life, yet through all that, she still helped others. She went from being a slave, to being free, to becoming the one to free others.