First off, I’ll be talking about Sustainability.

First off, what is sustainability? Sustainability is the ability to find methods of living that will not affect our ecosystem in a harmful way, simple things such as growing some of your food can be a sustainable method of living. Doing it by yourself may not seem like it changes out planet much, but if everyone were to do it, we could make drastic changes for the better of out planet. The whole point of making things sustainable is to make an attempt at reducing the amounts of pollution and carbon levels in our atmosphere.

There are many other ways we can reduce pollution and carbon levels in our planet, one thing we can do is find ways to efficiently use machines such as solar panels, and windmills, which use natural sources to generate energy, thus saving us from having to burn wood or coal to create power. Other problems that we have that can be solved, are materials such as plastics and other non environmentally friendly items; if we can find cheaper, more eco-friendly resources to use instead, we can then reduce the amount of harmful items in oceans and lakes.

An example of sustainability in our science course is when we learned about how molecules such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus move through our planet, in a cycle. We learned how everything in the cycle is important, and how if we were to remove one thing, the cycle would break and bad events can occur. We also learned about something called an Ecological Footprint, which explains how our planet has slowly gotten worse and years have passed, and it also talks about ways to fix that problem, and what catastrophes could happen if we weren’t to fix it before it’s too late.


Now, I’ll explain a bit about Interconnectedness.

Now, interconnectedness is the ways of connecting your local life with everything going on globally. It is also about how what we do in our everyday affects our planet. Even the smallest things we do in our life can affect the world drastically, so it’s important to know ways to  be more efficient ways of living to increase the health of our planet. One of the problems in our planet is that most people want to change, but they aren’t willing to find ways to. Something we need to do, is find an easy yet useful change that we can all do which will keep our planet stable.

An example of this in our studies is when we had to figure out our Ecological Footprint, we answered a few questions depending on how we lived our lives, and then we took our scores and transferred them into earths. That would be the amount of earths we would all need to survive if everyone lived the same way as we did. The numbers varied greatly, from some people having very small numbers, to others having bigger ones, but in the end, everyone needed at least 1 planet, so nobody is perfect, but we can all make a change for the better if we all try hard enough.