Digital Footprint

(1) How might your digital footprint affect future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

A digital footprint could be bad or good. An example of a bad one would have inappropriate things all over and no one would want to employ you or let you into a university. A good one would have good and positive things on it such as projects with effort or inspirational quotes, these could be found on the apps below. 

(2) Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

To keep your footprint safe you shouldn’t follow inappropriate accounts on social media, don’t comment negative things on Instagram posts or tweets and just don’t search anything bad. You should also try to say encouraging things on the internet to cheer people up if they might be having a bad day. You don’t even have to directly say it to someone you can just send something inspirational to them or put it on your story. 

(Inspirational quotes)

(3) What did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

Some information I learned about this was that most things you do can be seen on the internet by anyone even if you delete it. It will always be saved somewhere. Information I would pass on would be to don’t do anything bad on the internet that will trace back to you because you could be leaving a bad impression on yourself for future opportunities. If you leave a bad digital footprint jobs would not want to employ you because of your activity online and schools may also not let you in to them. Even accounts could be traced back to you as long as you’re signed in.                   







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