Week #5 Imperial and Metric System

The measurement unit for me was a little difficult as there us so many units to convert and its a long process going from a bigger unit to smaller ones or switching metric to imperial or vice-versa. I found this unit very easy to make a little mistake on. the imperial system in mainly used in the US but we still use certain measurements like when we when we use our height or weight.


Technology’s Epic Story

Technology’s Epic Story

After watching Kevin Kelly’s TED talk, I do agree with what Kelly is saying in this statement People achieve progress with technology through the “proactionary principle, which is: You engage with technology. You try it out…. You try to anticipate it, but after anticipating it, you constantly asses it…. And when it diverts from what you want… we fix it, but most importantly, we relocate it… and find a new job for it.” After all we use technology everyday and it’s become second nature to us and we don’t even realize it anymore, companies release information to the public about new technology coming out and people constantly do imagine and predict what the new product will be like. Once items get released and bout by the public eye we look at ways they could be better or things that would be more convenient about the product and it goes out of date and similar “more convenient” or “new and improved” products come out and replace or fix the old ones. Technology has always been a big part of our lives and is constantly being out dated, fixed, repurposed and replaced. All technology is, is information in a design for the use of human activities and our brains will constantly rely on and try to improve what we have and will always be thinking of ways we can come up with new technology for our day to day lives.  (word count 243)

-Natalie Gane