English 9 poetry project



He throws together,
Two all beef patties, special sauce,
Lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions,
On a sesame seed bun.

The bun as soft as feathers,
Topped this burger like
A cherry on a sundae.
The sweet smell of
Special sauces filled the kitchen.

Placed in a box, And set aside.
Tossed in a bag, and handed out the window,
I’m given to a customer in the drive through


The Road not Taken

Life decisions always lead you to more choices you will have to make and you wont be able to go back to change your decisions. The Road not Taken by Robert Frost is a symbolic poem where the two paths the man comes across symbolize life’s decisions of which he will always come across in life.” And looked down one as far as I could to where it bent in the undergrowth;” this quote explains how he was thinking about all the possibilities that will come with this decision and where it will take him in life. Thinking of every possibility about the possibilities of his actions or in this case the path he shall take. “I doubted if I should ever come back.” This quote gives insight about how once you’ve made a decision you have to live with it and make new decisions, because once you’ve made a decision you cant go back and change the decision you’ve made you have to live with it and continue making more choices and decisions. “then took the other, as just as fair, and having perhaps the better claim” the decision he made perhaps had the better outcome than the other decision, after thinking the repercussions of what might happen after which path he would have to take he chose the one that could very well lead him to a better place after making perhaps the better decision. This poem is a closed poem because it is very organized and each stanza has the same rhythm. “Because it was grassy and wanted wear” is personification because grass doesn’t want wear, the poet gave the grass human qualities to bring the poem together.

Mutation Story

I would research about the mutation first, then questions like Was a gene added or taken away to form this mutation? What effects does this mutation have on my body? How does this mutation affect my body or mind? Will this mutation effect my whole life? Are there ways to correct this mutation?

I would search up maybe YouTube videos about this mutation or find a book in the library about it if there was one, search on science websites, and ask a teacher what they know about it. I would start asking questions about it and reading about the disease first to give myself a better understanding of the mutation then research questions and put them into a project.

When verifying a site I would see if its a trusted site like a science site rather than Wikipedia cause anyone can change that information, if a teacher talked to me about it and told me their knowledge I would take notes of it then search up everything to make sure the information I’ve been given is true.

the process of this project wasn’t too good considering I didn’t even do this project so things I could do better would be finishing the project with a good mount of information but if I finished it I could have maybe added more information, asked more questions and put visuals into this project.

Sammy the Sperm

My name is Sammy I’m a little sperm, my whole story started out when I was born in the testes hospital when I was first born I had to stay in the hospital for a few days. Went to color the testes hospital I went to go visit my mom and dad and the rest of my family and the epididymis a nearby town. After a short visit I hopped on the vas deferents highway on my way to vaginaland. The vas deferents is a really long highway it passes a large lake called lake bladder. After being on this highway for so long I’ve started getting a little hungry so I took a stop over at the Seminal vesicle dinner restaurant for a bite to eat. I got back on the highway and took the next exit onto urethra way. When I got to the beautiful vaginaland I made my way into uterusville, turning right onto oviduct road where I would meet my love Olivia Ovum. We soon plan to have a baby and grow our family ur even that is a long, hard process. Which will hopefully continue to grow. And that leads me to today finished my story leaving more to come in the near future

Science Edible DNA

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In this activity we learned what DNA is, DNA  stands for DeoxyriboNucleic Acid. All living things have DNA in there systems. DNA looks like a twisted ladder, it is knows as the double helix. The two sides are the backbones and each step is a base. In this model.  We used marshmallows, licorice and toothpicks. The marshmallows represented bases, the licorice showed backbones and the toothpicks were the bond between the bases and the backbones. The green marshmallow showed guanine (G), the yellow is adenine (A), the pink is cytosine (C) and the orange is thymine (T). This lab improved our knowledge of DNA because it provided a visual image that we could also manipulate. Constructing the DNA model step by step helped us understand each part of the double helix and why everything has a specific order and how it’s all needed.

Expanding universe

The dots on the balloon represent the galaxies in the universe and the balloon the universe and how when the big bang happened it created matter and energy and everything. When we slowly blew air into the balloon in three stages each time the balloon got bigger it showed how the universe is expanding. Each dot represented a galaxy and each galaxy moved farther and farther away the more we blew into the balloon when the balloon was barely inflated the points C and D were at C(12cm) and D(15cm) from M when it was barely inflated the trend of movement was everything we inflated the balloon the each time the dots would move farther apart from each other. Some stretched farther than others. This lab was a great visual of how our universe is currently expanding. All the galaxy’s are slowly distancing themselves from each other. Knowing that If I blow up a balloon too much it will explode and relating it to the universe if it expanded to much it may die out or something, but balloons sometimes deflate so maybe it would just expand and reduce in size again

Science App Review

My app helps you understand what elements create new elements and teaches you by you experimenting and making stuff on your own cause I believe you start of with earth fire and water And with those elements you create more and more and eventually you can create live and objects with metals and it was fun to play when I was competing with my friends to get all the possible elements you can make

how does this relate to science?

your using elements to relate to science

how does this help you in science?

This app helps you find out what certain elements can make

How much does this app cost? 

This app is free!

what devices is this available on?

It’s available on both android and apple devices

what is the suggested age?

The app suggests when you play your 12+

What is the basics of the app?

So you start off with three elements fire,earth, and water. And you mix those elements to create more

How would you describe this app?

you explore with simple elements and create new elements by mixing the elements you have

is this app fun to play as you learn?

when I played this game I thought it was fun because me and my friends were competitive and were challenged into who got them all the quickest