OE IDS Project 2018
My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio
How do asteroids travel in space? Could we alter an asteroids course if it were to collide with earth? WHAT ARE ASTEROIDS? Asteroids are rocks revolving around the sun that aren’t big enough to be called planets. The current known asteroid count is: 779,938 They range in size from hundreds of kilometers to many meters…
https://www.google.ca/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjehInUsu3ZAhVJ6GMKHSxvDREQjRwIBg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.caminomyway.com%2Fviews-from-mount-price-garibaldi-park%2Fgaribaldi-lake-black-tusk-mount-price-garibaldi-park&psig=AOvVaw1FkfG0YYTqO_ve91N6rqJr&ust=1521171239058131 Estimate how much water the barrier contains behind it in the lake. If the barrier faulted, what do you think would happen? Consider; how much water would escape, and what kind of power is the escaping water equivalent to? To estimate the volume of Garabaldi lake I multiplied the average lake depth by the…
For math class, we cut an orange in half and traced its circumference. After we peeled the oranges and filled the traced circles with the peel without overlapping and without any white showing. With the results that it filled 4 circles Jacob and I figured out the formula for the surface area of a sphere…
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is passed down to you from your parents. It is a long molecule, that is in the shape of a twisted ladder with rungs made of a pair of chemical bases. Chromosomes help package the DNA to fit in the nucleus. There are 6 feet of DNA that is tightly coiled into…
Racism has always been present in the world. It existed back in the past and it still exists with us today, in different and similar ways. Firstly, racism in our past was very open and unabashedly blatant. Likewise, it was normal to make racial comments and many people did. However, undoubtedly the most hated and…