Co-Design Process and Application
Briefly describe your new and improved idea, by incorporating ideas and/or feedback.
For my teams project of the Social Media, our new ideas include a weekly news letter, RAP promo videos, getting contacts with the city and the newspaper, having a “Throwback Thursday” post and including a more personal aspect of the instagram instead of just advertising. For the weekly news letter, we were thinking of getting the Rap notes emailed to our email as well, so we can make a post for every Wednesday of all the upcoming meetings or events coming up in the week so we do not spam the instagram with club advertisements everyday. In addition, to gain for followers from the community and not just from our students and teachers we plan on getting a contact with the city and our local newspapers just so that if they need something to reach out to the youth that we could be they’re outlet. Also, with the gaining of followers, we want something for people to look forward to and to come back to for our page so, we want to start up a Throwback Thursday post of old photos of our Staff and Teachers every Thursday. Plus, we would like to post more personal things such as students at work or fun field trips and events happening in class just to advertise how great Riverside is.
What problems might we run into?
I think some problems we might run into would be the personal aspect of the instagram. For example, we only have 7 people on our Social Media Team, therefore if there is a fun field trip for grade 9s, none of us would likely know of it and wouldn’t have the means to post about it. However, we could maybe solve this by getting more student interaction and involvement with asking for students to send us photos or tag us in photos of them and they’re classmates doing things such as a project, sports etc. That way we can still filter what is being posted on the instagram.
What skills do we need to complete this project? How can we attain these skills?
I believe some skills we will need to complete this project would be resilience, energy and patience. Because if something does not go the way we are expecting or something goes wrong we need to resolve it and move past it as quickly and efficiently as possible. I think my team and I can attain these skills with motivation, we all are skilled in many ways and I believe we are all motivated and want this project to happen successfully and that is what will help us attain these skills.
Create a brief timeline of key things that need to happen to ensure successful completion of your project. What happens next?
First things first, my team and I would need to meet and discuss when we are planning to achieve all of these goals and what steps we want to take first in order to be successful with completing our project.
I believe that the RAP Promo Video should come first just to get our platform out there and to get some visibility to our school community. Therefore creating that video first makes sense for our timeline. Next, I think we should have a few of us working on our city contacts and while we draw up and design the weekly newsletter as a group and figure out how we will be able to access the RAP notes. While doing that we can easily start with our more personal posts in classes, trips and sports. After we have settled that, our Throwback Thursday ideas should be fairly easy to work out, we would just need to get in contact with all the staff and hope they will participate.