Week 5 Math 11

This week in foundations 11 i learned how to figure out how many triangles are inside of a specific polygon and how to figure out what the interior and exterior angles are.

To figure out how many triangles are inside of the polygon, you take the number of sides of the polygon and subtract two from that number and that gives you the amount of triangles that are in the polygon. To figure out the sum of the interior angles in the polygon, you take the number of triangles in the polygon and times it by 180. To figure out the size of an interior angle in a  regular polygon, you take the sum of  all the interior angles and divide it by the number of sides on the polygon. To be able to figure out the sum of all exterior angles, you take 360 and divide it by the number of sides.

Example number 1:

Polygon with 5 sides (Pentagon)

5-2=3 the number of triangles in a pentagon is 3.

180 x 3 = 540. 540 is the sum of all interior angles in the pentagon.

540 divided by 5 = 108. 108 is the size of an interior angle in a regular polygon.


72 x 5 (the number of sides)  = 360. 360 is the sum of all exterior angles in the pentagon.



Example number 2:

15 sided polygon

15- 3= 13, 13 triangles in the polygon

180 x 13=2340

2340 divided by 15 = 156


24 x 15 = 360


What Darwin Never Knew



How did the discovery of DNA prove that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct? (Note: James Watson & Francis Crick, with the aid of Rosalind Franklind, discovered the structure of DNA in 1953. Charles Darwin died in 1882).

DNA shows that every type of species comes from a common ancestor. The discovery of DNA appears to us that offspring share sequences of DNA ascribe to both of its parents. It shows the specifics of the method Darwin named, Natural Selection. Scientists are now able to track how mutations happen. This helps us understand how species adjusted to become completely different organisms.

What is a strand of DNA? – MelixGX

How does it change the way we view evolution today?

Instead of having theories with no concrete evidence, scientists have revealed a huge piece of the puzzle which is evolution. DNA has shown us that animals are very similar. Chimpanzees and humans have DNA that is 99% identical. The biggest thing in why we are so different is that some switches activate some genes, and some deactivate others. A transformation within the human jaw muscle provided by switches, allowing the skull to keep expanding into adulthood, making more space for the brain. Chimpanzees have less room for the brain, since they have a very big jaw muscles that fill in the space, preventing the brain for developing larger.

How does it change the way we view and study evolution in the future?

Darwin came up with a hypothesis that humans descended from monkeys, and he was made fun of at the time for coming up with such a thing. After the discovery of DNA, scientists found that there is only a 1% difference in DNA from a human and a chimpanzee. The difference is in some of the switches in genes. This shows how a slight change in DNA can cause such a massive impact. Tikaalik shows transitions from fish into amphibians. This shows us that much varied vertebrates did once exist, but this animal evolved on land instead of water. Another big discovery was of the “switches” that turn specific genes on and off. The idea of switches is proven through embryology, and the study of organisms in their early stages that change over time.


Documentary: What Darwin Never Knew.



Photography 12 Portfolio

I find that the copycat photo is most successful because that photo was super similar to the original. I found that the least successful photo is the high low because I didn’t quite understand how to do it properly. If I had the time to redo a project I would redo the fashion photography project because it was so much fun to go places with my friend and get her all dressed up to take photos. This class has been so much fun to learn new things about more skills like the light painting project and how to keep the shutter open for a long period of time. Thank you so much for giving me the skills I can use whenever I need to take photos.

Confederation Reflection

Name: Morgan

Colony: Prince Edward island


  1. What was your Colonies decision in OUR conference? Why did your colony make that decision? Provide at least 3 reasons why you made that decision.

Our answer was yes because we thought that we would be able to trade easier if we had more transportation like trains. It would also be easier to make money if we had a bigger population to get more taxes and make people pay less. We would be able to have more farm lands to have more crops without having to pay for crops.



  1. What was your colonies actual decision after the Quebec Conference – why did they make this decision? Research and provide 3 reasons why your colony made their decision.

Prince Edward Island did not end up joining confederation because they were afraid the island would join United States. They also didn’t want to join because they didn’t want to be paying extra money to the confederation for everything they do.


  1. How did transportation play a part in the confederation of Canada? Provide at least 3 reasons why it was so crucial in the confederation of Canada.

Transportation played quite a big part during the confederation because it would be easier to trade with others and have more crops and more places to go to get supplies that they would need to survive. Transportation was quite hard back then in PEI because they didn’t have trains or cars or busses like we have now, the only way they could travel was by foot, horse and buggy or sleighs. It would be easier for them if they had boats or trains so they could travel and get things they need to survive and keep; their family’s safe.


  1. Who did the confederation of Canada benefit the most in your opinion and why? Consider French Canadians, English Speaking Canadians First Nations, Upper/lower class colonists, Britain…

It mostly helped the English speaking Canadians because they go to leave Britain which would mean they didn’t really have to listen to what they said and they could make their own rules and speak their own language. They would be able to make their own money and have land that didn’t belong to anyone else.



  1. How do you think the Confederation of Canada affected the First People across all of present day Canada? Please explain why you think the confederation may or may not have been beneficial for them and why? Research and find out how the confederation of Canada affected them (Especially as Canadian colonists expanded out west).


  1. How did you learn from this project? Consider the following Core Competencies? Please explain how you used/learned in three of the competencies with specific examples.

During this project I feel as I learnt/used Communication, Critical thinking, and social responsibility. I used Communication within my group so together we could figure out what information we would be needing to bring to the table and being able to work together to see if we wanted to join the confederation or not. I used Critical thinking by researching and figuring out what information out of this is the best and easiest to understand to explain to people so they would understand it right as I explain it. I used social responsibility by making sure my group members were on task at all times so we could get the project done.

Industrial Revolution Enviromental Inquiry Questions

Question One: How long were peoples life span during the Industrial Revolution?

Answer: Most people during the industrial revolution would only live up to around 35-40 years.


Question Two: Would people during the IR live in the country or the city?

Answer: I think that people would rather live in the country side because there would probably be less machines on the country side than in the city which would mean less pollution in that area.


Question Three: Is there a way to reduce trash?

Answer: They could have reduced the trash by sorting the trash and putting them in separate piles and digging a hole somewhere and put the trash in the hole.