What is racism today?

Racism these days is very well hidden. It seems, at a glance, racism has completely disappeared, but when we look closer we realise how wrong we are. There are still people today who, though they might not think so, are very racist. One of the most obvious examples is the “skin colored” pencil crayon. Most people don’t realise that it’s is actually racist to say this, myself included until the teacher pointed it out to me. There are many more examples out there, like how blacks are sentenced to longer jail times than whites for the same crimes.

In my opinion, most of the racism has disappeared from the lives of children and teenagers, but is still there for adults. I believe that this is because of the fact that their parents were still alive when racism was a lot more common, so they were taught to be affected by it more, but I hope that as time goes by racism will completely disappear. If parents and school continues to teach students about the horrors of racism, then it will hopefully keep disappearing.

In the past couple decades, racism has improved for the better. I know it hasn’t disappeared completely and that some people still have the same mind-set that they most had not too long ago, but, in my opinion, it has improved since then. When I look around a class room I see people from so many different places, so many different races, and black and white people sitting side by side as friends and equals. Something like this would never have happened a couple decades ago, because of all the laws keeping us separated, but right now I am glad things have changed. If things were still the way they were before the civil war, I would not have many of the great friends I have today.

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