Planet Populators – Segregation Nation

Welcome to Segregation Nation!

Hello! This planet is called Segregation Nation. On it lies the special type of aliens called the Segreoles. They are called this as their DNA replicates and segregates at the same time. These aliens reproduce using Asexual reproduction called Binary Fission. On the planet, this happens using a magical force. It pulls apart the aliens and splits them into two identical copies of themselves. This then produces plenty of offspring. Stay tuned to educate yourself more on what truly happens on Segregation Nation!

Asexual Reproduction > Binary fission:

To begin, let’s talk about what type of reproduction occurs on this planet… Asexual reproduction, of course! This form of reproduction has nothing to do with fusing gametes or a present change in the number of ones’ chromosomes (as sexual reproduction does.) Asexual reproduction creates offspring by having simple organisms make copies of themselves. These copies are genetically exactly the same as the parent. There are a few main types of Asexual reproduction. They are Binary Fission, Budding, Spores,  Parthenogenesis and Fragmentation. The one I will be focusing on is Binary Fission.

During Binary Fission, the single parent cell doubles its DNA. Afterwards, it divides into two cells. This process typically occurs in bacteria. In other words, an organism duplicates its genetic material, resulting in many more of the same organisms that are identical to itself.

Sexual Reproduction: 

The following reproduction form is not present on Segregation Nation but is still very important on other planets such as Earth! Sexual Reproduction is when two organisms or individuals fuse together their own genetic materials. In order for this to happen they must be two seperate types (sexes) of organisms. Eg. Male and female. In the long run, this process creates offspring.

You can definitely describe sexual reproduction as a complicated process. It occurs when a gamete (sperm or egg cell) with one set of chromosomes (haploid) comes together with another set to make an organism which is built up by cells. By the end, these of course, have two sets of chromosomes (diploid).

To further your knowledge on the advantages and disadvantages of both asexual and sexual reproduction, read below!

Pros of Asexual Reproduction:

  • The population can increase extremely quickly when the conditions are favourable
  • Only one parent (organism) is needed, and it doesn’t take much time to find a mate
  • The process is much faster than sexual reproduction
  • It allows for different extensive forms
  • Better change of survival
  • Very useful in the case of an emergency
  • Doesn’t take much time and almost no resources are needed
  • More environmentally friendly
  • Reproduction will be boosted

Cons of Asexual Reproduction: 

  • Doesn’t lead to genetic variation in a population.
  • The species/organisms may only be suited to one habitat or area.
  • A disease could affect every individual in a population and could cause them to be prone to extinction.
  • Can obstruct diversity.
  • Makes adaptation more difficult.
  • Offspring are genetic clones of each other.
  • It risks matters on inheritance.
  • It might result to less variation.
  • There might be the risk of food and space competition.
  • Could lead to problems with population control such as crowding.
  • It would result to poor conditions for the subjects.

Pros of Sexual Reproduction:

  • Produces genetic variation within the offspring.
  • The species can adapt to new environments due to variation, which gives them a survival advantage.
  • A single disease is not as likely to affect the whole population of individuals in an area.
  • Creates a distinctive organism.
  • Reduces the risk of genetic diseases.
  • It allows for genetic diversity.
  • The process reduces the threat defects during birth.
  • It can purge harmful mutations from future generations
  • Can assist in selecting beneficial mutations.
  • It works to make the survival of the species certain.
  • Can (in a sense) upgrade immune resistance.

Cons of Sexual Reproduction:

  • It isn’t possible for a remote individual to reproduce.
  • Fewer than 50% of the population is capable of gestation.
  • Requires each type/sex to find a mate, making it more time and energy consuming.
  • Outside influences can cause offspring viability to occur.
  • The best genetics don’t always get sent forward to the offspring.
  • Results in fewer general offspring.

Mitosis (and the details of the process):

Mitosis is a form of cell division and occurs on Segregation Nation. It is when one (mother) cell divides to generate two new cells that have the same genetic build up as itself. These new cells are called the daughters. Looking into the cell cycle, mitosis is the section in the division process where the DNA of the cell’s nucleus is divided up into two uniform sets of chromosomes.

Meiosis (and the details of the process):

Although Meiosis does not occur in Segregation Nation, it is a very important process on some fellow planets. It is good to have a grasp on the concept! In meiosis, the cell has a more difficult project than one in mitosis. The first step would be that it has to disconnect the sister chromatids. These are ultimately, the two halves of a copied chromosome. Adding to that, a cell in meiosis needs to seperate two homologous chromosomes. These chromosomes are alike, however nonidentical chromosome pairs. These are gained from its two parents. In meiosis, there is a two-step division procedure. Homologue pairs divide during the first stage called meiosis I/PMAT I. The Sister chromatids separate during the second round, which is named meiosis II/PMAT II. Because cell division happens two times during meiosis, the original cell can create four gametes.

Why I chose this method and its effects on Segregation Nation: 

I chose binary fission and asexual reproduction as we don’t see it on planets such as Segregation Nation! However, we do see it in other areas such as Earth and in humans/human nature. I thought that it would be interesting to look into other ways of creating life and found out some much needed and new information!

Having only Asexual Reproduction on planet Segregation Nations causes various things to happen. To start off, it would mean that only a certain type of organism would be living there. In other words, only one sex would be needed to reproduce! In this case, it would be females. So, on Segregation Nation, there are only biologically females. Every single organism has an identical genetic code meaning every alien is the exact same. (Except for in rare situations of accidental mutation.) Because there is only one type of alien living on planet, Segregation Nation, it makes it much easier for the aliens on the planet to colonize and gather! This is because the they don’t need to look for anyone else to mate with and can instead survive on their own. If there was a speedy increase in Asexual Reproduction, it would make the aliens much more resilient and fast acting to changing environments. This would mean that the reproduction is steady and working quite well for the area.


One thought on “Planet Populators – Segregation Nation

  1. Segregation Nation sounds like a very interesting planet. You demonstrate an excellent understanding of both sexual and asexual reproduction and meiosis and mitosis. You have creatively synthesized your understanding of these concepts in your post. Great job comparing the two, sharing the pros and cons of each. Excellent work including media and citing your sources. One other result of having an organisms process of reproduction binary fission is that the Segreoles would all be single celled organisms.

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