Monica’s SMART Goals

Personal Goal: By the end of January 2021, I will fall asleep earlier on weekdays (11pm at the latest.) I will achieve this goal by changing my mindset. Instead of getting ready for bed at 10:45pm, I will start getting ready at around 10pm so I have enough time to do everything before I go to sleep. I love feeling ready to go and well rested for the day ahead. I can only do this by getting a good and proper 8 hours of sleep. Not only will it help my mind feel relaxed, but my body and health will thank me. My parents will assist me in making sure I am getting ready on time and giving me reminders. When I get a lot of homework and going to bed early might not be possible (considering my busy schedule), I will create a plan. Whenever I have extra time I will be working on my homework instead of relaxing.

Academic Goal: By the end of this school quarter (or when I get my report card back,) I will get at least an 86% in PHE. I plan to put in the hard work and strive to do my best on the daily because I have the resources right inside the school’s GYM! I’m quite good at running and fitness related activities but as soon as it comes to something such as badminton, I am not the greatest. I would love to improve my hand-eye coordination and see my grade go higher in that area. I will ask Mr. Luongo questions on how to use the techniques correctly and what I can do better to receive a mark I am satisfied with. If I get unmotivated and feel as if I’m doing bad in the certain sport, I will look on the “bright side.” Instead of turning everything into negatives, I will turn them into positives.

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