Science Poco Opolis 500 Lab

Here is my Poco Opolis Lab. I used household materials to figure out which combinations would create the greatest static charge!

6 thoughts on “Science Poco Opolis 500 Lab

  1. I really like the editing in your video! It’s so well done and there is a lot of detail in your writing/captions during the whole video which is great.

  2. Great job on your video lab. You have thoroughly included all the parts of a lab and have come to a great conclusion. I appreciated the table of results and the groovy music you included. Great work going the extra mile with lots of observations and thoughtful questions. Now that you know about induction, you know why the charged object lifts the paper as opposed to pushing it. Excellent work! How do you think documenting a lab in this way is better than handing it on paper? Also, would you mind if I shared this project with others as an example?

    1. Thank you! I think it is better in this format as it is more interesting and pleasing to the eye. It also isn’t a lot to look at in terms of a bunch of writing on a worksheet. You can engage into the topic much easier and it is almost like a change in scenery.

      1. I love that: “a change of scenery!” I agree. Thanks for letting me share your video lab with others!

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