Grammar talks – Hyphens

What Is a Hyphen? (Grammar Talks Paragraph)
There are many different types of punctuation, along with many different ways to use them.  Hyphens are an especially confusing type of punctuation, in that a hyphen can be used in many different contexts. A hyphen (-) is used to join together words and ideas, in order to make the actual meaning clear to the reader; it is not to be confused with dashes or underscores. Hyphens are used with compound words and adjectives (mother-in-law) (one-way-street; one-way needs a hyphen to clarify you aren’t discussing the one-way-street, or etc.) (hard-core). Hyphens are also included in all written numbers between 21-99, as well as all spelled-out fractions and measurements that don’t start with a or an (one-fourth vs. a fourth). For nouns (or adjectives) combined with participles, we also usually need to include a hyphen (fast-acting (present participle), cold-blooded (past participle)). For certain prefixes, we need a hyphen as well. Words like self-satisfied, or all-knowing use a hyphened prefix to indicate the words are acting as one noun or adjective. Hyphens are one of the few punctuation marks that can also be used simply to clarify your ideas, if checking a dictionary is not possible (concealed-weapons permit; we need a hyphen to indicate what type of permit it is, rather than the idea that someone has concealed their weapons permit) (small-town charm; we need a hyphen to indicate that the charm itself is “small-town”, not that there is small “town-charm” or something similar).


Technology paragraph

As a society in this day and age, we are not too dependent on technology because of the fact that we could simply live without it. Humans can agree that we do use a lot of technology in our day to day lives, but it is not the same thing as being reliant on it. As times have progressed, humans have as well – evolving and growing. A part of this evolution is creating technology, which is continually being produced to better the lives of millions. From medical advancements, to more interactive learning in classrooms, to benefitting a normal workplace, and connecting people all around the globe. We are adapting with the times. At the same time, if humans were stripped away from all technology we would not immediately die. If we look back to as little as 50 years ago where little to no common technology existed, we still thrived as a human race. We are not too reliant on technology, we use it to our advantage and reap its benefits, while still appreciating and utilizing our human qualities.

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