Thoughts on Data Analysis 2017

I believe that statistics have a big role in today’s society. They give us valuable information on everyday things, they provide important results to research projects but, they can also mislead and sway people by giving out false information about important subjects. After reading the article I have learned a lot about statistics and how important they are in our world. They are very helpful to people everywhere wanting to know the opinions of others or facts that are happening around the world. Something new that I learned from the article was the fact that some statistics can be true, but misleading because of the choice of wording in the results. Even though statistics can be very helpful, they can cause different types of problems, like that example. Other problems that statistics can cause is false information from the survey conducted. They can have unfair survey questions that cause you to not express your real opinion and also can use bad sampling to find their information which means that the information collected wasn’t from a diverse group of people.

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