Category Archives: Today’s Lesson SS10 (new SS9) 201-2017

Tuesday January 3 SS10

Role 1: Define:  Oregon Territory, Aboriginal title, gold rush, annexation (p. 205 Chapter 6)

                      Email December role to

Oregon Territory and Colony of Vancouver Island

Learning Outcomes:  chapter-6-learning-outcomes-and-vocabulary

  1.    DVD” BC Times: Rush for Spoils 1857-1914

Video worksheet:  bc-times-video-worksheet-student-version

2.     Powerpoint Introduction “The Foundation of BC”


3.    Guided Notes: history-of-bc-worksheet


Monday December 12 SS10

Role 5: What happened at Batoche?

Complete the Northwest Rebellion causes, components, consequences using p. 181-193 (Horizons ch.5)

Booklet — Complete the following booklet using the readings below and selected readings from Ch. 5 Horizons





Thursday December 8 SS10

Role 3:  Explore Royal BC Museum Learning Portal — Chinese Canadian pics. What do you notice? Record at least 3 impressions you receive from these pictures

Early Chinese Canadian Experiences in British Columbia

  1. Review the cut and paste CPR activity from yesterday
  2. Read “The Last Spike” in partners and identify the important events. Think 5 W’s.the-last-spike-canada-revisited
  3. Watch DVD: Fancy Paper Cities
  4. Complete the following questions using the links provided on the worksheet. Due Friday




Wednesday December 7 SS10

Role 2: What are the three parts of MacDonald’s National Policy? (p. 197 Horizons Ch.5)

Review First Nations Questions

The National Dream: CPR

Will need glue and scissors —- Using readings p. 194-202 (Ch.5 Horizons) and Our Land( p. 193-202), identify the chronological order of the events occurring around the building of the CPR and glue them, with appropriate dates, on the organizer provided. You will be given hard copies to complete this activity



Tuesday December 6 SS10

Role 1: Read the following information on the Northwest Territories Act and Indian Act. Write a 1-2 sentence summary about each.


Review Metis Scrip activity

First Nations in the Northwest

DVD: Pieces of Pemmican, The Land of Discontent

Read p. 174-180 (Ch.5 Horizons) and complete the following questions in complete sentences.


Please bring glue and scissors to class tomorrow