Category Archives: Today’s Lesson SS10 (new SS9) 201-2017

Wednesday May 10 SS10

Role:  Explore Royal BC Museum Learning Portal — Chinese Canadian pics. What do you notice? Record at least 3 impressions you receive from these pictures

Early Chinese Canadian Experiences in British Columbia

  1. Review the order the events CPR activity from yesterday
  2. Read “The Last Spike” in partners and identify the important events. Think 5 W’s.the-last-spike-canada-revisited
  3. Watch DVD: Fancy Paper Cities
  4. Complete the following questions using the links on the worksheet. Due Thursday.


Thursday April 6 SS10

Role: Road to Confederation Fill in the Blanks (paper)


Building a Nation: Review Confederation Debate Chart

Confederation Debate chart answers-12a0wew

Three Conferences — use Canada Revisited in Content Library



DVD ” Strangers in Charlottetown”


Work on project. Due Thursday, April 13

Fathers of Confederation project April 2017-1o7nxcf

Thursday January 26 SS10

Hand in Immigration Reflection

Laurier Era Powerpoint

The Emergence of Modern Canada 1896-1914 student version-rnu77g

Finish and review fill in the blanks

READINGS FOR Immigration at the turn of the century-2l9t0h6

Immigration at the turn of the century fill in the blanks-1p9ytyw

Role of Women at the turn of the century

Watch: Fight Fire with Fire


Wednesday January 25 SS10

Block B:  Immigration Simulation #2


Block D:  Immigration Simulation Reflection

The Laurier Era

Download the Powerpoint to fill in:

The Emergence of Modern Canada 1896-1914 student version-rnu77g

Read the following readings and fill in the blanks on the worksheet

READINGS FOR Immigration at the turn of the century-2l9t0h6

Immigration at the turn of the century fill in the blanks-1p9ytyw

Friday January 21 SS10


Block B:   The Emergence of Modern Canada

Introduce with Powerpoint

The Emergence of Modern Canada 1896-1914 student version-rnu77g

Role of Women at the Turn of the Century

Watch:  “Fight Fire with Fire”


Women’s Role readings HORIZONS old-1hnhzis


Women’s Role assignment-13yf4lp

Block D: Immigration Simulation Day 1