Science 9

Mutation Story

Part 1:

I am Deuteranopia, a type of Red-Green colour blindness, an X chromosome living in Daniel passed down by his parents. I am caused by defective or missing M-cones (medium wave lengths); these genes are located side by side on the X chromosome. Due to the adjacency between them, they can get reconfigured and form irregular combinations. This is how I was created. Daniel is currently 12 years old, he struggles a bit in school but is able to do everything a normal child can. When he is older he will be allowed to drive, this is because traffic lights are in a sequence, red is usually on the top and green usually on the bottom. Although he will struggle with all sorts of things in his life time, there are many companies that have developed colour corrective lenses that can allow a person with colour blindness to experience an enhancement of colours. Daniel is just as intelligent as every other student his age and possesses no physical evidence of his genetic mutation. Although he is different, he feels the same; being colour blind is all he has ever known.


Part 2:


What questions did you need to research in order to create your mutation story?

I began my research by searching “colour blindness” I then found out that there are many types of colour blindness. I decided to choose red green colour blindness, more specifically deuteranopia. I then asked more questions like “can people with colour blindness drive?” “What colours can be seen?” “Is it more prominent in men or women?” and “What are the chances someone will have this gene?”



What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

I used a few different digital resources for this project. I used Google to find a few websites; I also used Destiny to find websites. I have never used YouTube for information, so I decided to try it.



What was the process you used to investigate the topic?

I started by finding out a bit about the mutation. Exploring some of the common knowledge and coming up with questions as I continued my research. I then made sure I had a clear understanding and put together my story.



How did you verify and cite the information you found?

Every time I found information, I verified it by checking multiple websites to insure that the information was accurate.



How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?

The researching was difficult at first because I had no idea where to start. There are a few different types of colour blindness and I was flustered with the amount of information I was finding, I was unsure what to do with it. If I had the chance to do this project again, I would have liked to done some more in depth research about people who live with colour blindness.


Websites Used:

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