1. Exposition
Id like to inquire about a lot” the old man said, the effort of his decision in his voice (115)
2. Rising Action
Please sign here Mr. Jerome pushed the document towards him. The old man signed in a shaky hand.(118)
3. Rising Action
During the ensuing year old man Blake made periodic visits to his lot.(118)
4. Rising Action
Ouch a bee stung me yelled Mr. Jerome.. (119)
5. Climax
How dare you operate a beehive in this cemetery(119)
6. Falling Action
Jerome’s well-modulated voice rose to a shout: Look here, I wont have it.(120)
7. Falling Action
Mr, Jerome,I have done you a great service. Your flowers have never been so magnificent or plentiful.(120)
8. Denouement
Mr.Jerome, I have reached an important decision: I should like to buy an another lot.(121)